– Danger of chemical hair dyes: Girl’s face swells up like balloon following application (Natural News, Jan. 10, 2012):
To many, they are just one particular means by which to keep up with the latest styles and fashion trends. But chemical hair dyes carry with them some very serious health risks, a fact that 22-year-old Louise Henson from Skegness, Lincolnshire, in the UK recently learned the hard way.
The UK’s Daily Mail reports that the young bartender recently tried to apply Garnier Nutrisse “caramel golden light brown” hair dye to her hair in order to match the hair color of her favorite media icon Cheryl Cole, from the popular television show X Factor. But the dye caused a severe allergic reaction that left Louise with a swelled face and extremely itchy skin.
“It was like I had a severe facial deformity, it was humiliating,” said Louise to the Daily Mail about her experience. “It took a week before my face began getting back to normal.”