KISS’ Gene Simmons Says Gentiles Are For Manual Labor (Video)

H/t reader squodgy:

“It’s nice that he’s honest I guess.”

Gene Simmons says gentiles are for manual labor


Gene Simmons (born Chaim Witz in Haifa, Israel) expresses the Jewish opinion of Gentiles (non-Jews).

Kiss Gene Simmons

Kiss’ Gene Simmons visits Israel after 51 years away (Examiner, March 24, 2011):

A famous sabra returnes home to Israel after leaving at the age of nine-year-old over half a century ago. The son of an impovrished Auschwitz death camp survivor, Chaim Witz returned to his birth country this week as mega-millionaire rock star and TV personality Gene Simmons.

“It’s amazing to be back here,” the 61- year-old co-founder of rock legend Kiss told The Jerusalem Post in Jerusalem’s David Citadel Hotel on Tuesday.

Read moreKISS’ Gene Simmons Says Gentiles Are For Manual Labor (Video)