Charleston S.C. Church Shooting Hoax – Divide And Conquer! – False Flag – And Yes, They Are Coming For Your Guns (Video)

Dylann Storm Roof???

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Divide et impera!

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Charleston Shooter Is Actor US Marine Crisis Actor As Jade Helm Stipulates (Video)

Take a look at this:

Dylann Roof-photoshopped
Above, we see what may be the original photo.

Above, we see the one photoshopped by the CIA and its friends.

Perhaps both are photoshopped.

Full (recommended) article here:


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H/t reader squodgy:

It seems likely we must now cynically disbelieve every media reported Western Massacre as Government Secret Service contrived and engineered.

What a sad reflection on the people to whom we have passed our representation to..

Police lead suspected shooter Dylann Roof, 21, into the courthouse in Shelby, North Carolina, June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Jason Miczek
Police lead suspected shooter Dylann Roof, 21, into the courthouse in Shelby, North Carolina, June 18, 2015. REUTERS/Jason Miczek

Charleston S.C. Church Shooting is an Arch-Zionist Gun Control Hoax (NODISINFO, June 18, 2015)

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Black church shooting in Charleston kills nine; has every sign of a deliberate plot to ignite a race war across America (Natural News, June 18, 2015):

At every turn these days, there seems to be a deliberate effort to ignite a violent race war in America, turning blacks against whites, citizens against police and neighbors against each other in a wave of media-reinforced racial hatred.

Read moreCharleston S.C. Church Shooting Hoax – Divide And Conquer! – False Flag – And Yes, They Are Coming For Your Guns (Video)