Teen Created Robot Lawyer App “DoNotPay” That Just Overturned 160,000 Parking Tickets


Teen Created a Robot Lawyer App That Just Overturned 160,000 Parking Tickets:

Got a bullshit parking ticket? Now you can appeal it in less than a minute. The new chatbot tool, DoNotPay, uses previously successful appeal letters to draw up a customized template, allowing users to avoid courts, legal fees, stress, and having to use a lawyer.

So far, the free app has overturned 160,000 parking tickets in London and New York. With a success rate of 64%, DoNotPay has appealed $4 million in parking fines in just two cities in only nine months of operation. In 2014, New York City collected $546 million in revenue from parking tickets.

Read moreTeen Created Robot Lawyer App “DoNotPay” That Just Overturned 160,000 Parking Tickets