To see proof that atrazine is greatly interfering with the hormone system visit the following article…
Aside from being the “Hitler Youth” fascist front man for the anti-liberty, anti-gun propagandists of the Left, David Hogg also aligns with Monsanto, one of the most evil corporations in the world. In a recent televised interview (see video clips, below), David Hogg claims that atrazine herbicide doesn’t cause hormone disruption, speaking in lockstep with Monsanto, the anti-science pesticide chemical giant that spends millions of dollars a year funding “black ops” character assassins to defame critics of GMOs, glyphosate and atrazine.
David Hogg, who has arisen as a “Hitler Youth” fascist who demands the government take away the rights of Americans because he feels personally angry, attacked Infowars’ Alex Jones during a recent C-Span interview, falsely claiming that atrazine herbicide chemicals have no effect on hormone disruption in humans. (Yes, C-Span is now allowing an 18-year-old high school non-graduate to lecture America on science, if you can believe that…)
During the Gun Policy & Safety segment on C-Span, Hogg stated:
For example, on InfoWars, one of his most famous statements is saying that tap water turns frogs gay, and it will turn you gay, too. First off, gay people are awesome, I don’t think that’s a problem at all…
The conversation went on to imply that Alex Jones must be insane for thinking that chemical contaminants in the water supply might alter sex hormone expression in mammals — even though this has been exhaustively documented throughout the scientific and medical literature.
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