The Dollar Is Finished, The Central Bankers Are Moving Us To A New System: Brandon Smith (Video)

H/t reader squodgy:

“This will be an interesting aspect.

Anonimity with the Bankster based world Blockchain is a No-No!

But will Bitcoin be outside that?”

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Brandon Smith: “NFL Players Have A First Amendment Right To Act Like Little Bitches”

NFL Players Have A First Amendment Right To Act Like Little Bitches:

Frankly, in my view, the sporting world should be a politics free zone, and the fact that I am compelled to write about politics in sports in America today is bewildering beyond belief.

That said, to be clear, I am not a fan of the NFL. I think the sport, like most professional sports, is overrun with whiny, juiced-up morons paid millions of dollars for providing nothing to the public except sub-par entertainment and little-to-no loyalty to the state or city in which they happen to be employed.

NFL players are not legitimate role models for society anymore than costumed television wrestlers are role models for society.

Read moreBrandon Smith: “NFL Players Have A First Amendment Right To Act Like Little Bitches”

Brandon Smith Of Warns The System Is Crashing: “Prepare For Bank Confiscations, Shortages, Insurgency”

Brandon Smith Warns The System Is Crashing: “Prepare For Bank Confiscations, Shortages, Insurgency”:

Military, police and homeland security units have all long been preparing for riots and widespread civil unrest during a prolonged collapse.

What is the anatomy of a breakdown?

The past eight years have been extremely difficult for the real economy. Central bank intervention has propped up the stock market at the expense of the main street economy, at the expense of middle class security, at the expense of jobs.

And everyone knows that game can’t continue. The question is how it will play out, and how long the game will be.

Read moreBrandon Smith Of Warns The System Is Crashing: “Prepare For Bank Confiscations, Shortages, Insurgency”

Financial Writer Brandon Smith “Trump Chosen By Elite To Be Scapegoat For Massive 2017 Crash!” (Video)

Trump is just another elite puppet (like Killary) that has been put in place by the elite to maybe create order out of chaos …

Rockefeller-nwo-New World Order

…, or maybe even more chaos (with people doing the depopulation for TPTB, who will be sitting in their D.U.M.B.’s, celebrating and opening some legendary Château Lafite-Rothschild bottles).

However, in my opinion, there will be an economic collapse, hyperinflation, civil war, revolution followed by WW3, all planned by TPTB for us.

Related info:

Why Did George Soros Forgive Donald Trump As Much As $312 MILLION In Debt For No Apparent Reason?

Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee Steve Mnuchin And Billionaire Wilbur Ross Confirm Elite Puppet Trump Nominations On CNBC

Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump Are Both Elite Puppets, Serving The Same Master


H/t reader squodgy:

“Was Trump’s win engineered to actually facilitate the agenda?”

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