– Bilderberg actually talks nukes, euro nationalism and… Barack Obama – leak (RT, May 31, 2014)
Bilderberg 2014
Bilderberg Evacuates Airport Cause Of Independent Media (Video)
Added: May 31, 2014
In this video Luke Rudkowski, Dan Dicks and Line Sejr go to the Copenhagen Airport to give a friendly greeting to the international 2014 Bilderberg Attendees. As you can see for some strange reason the bilderberg group was very timid and scared of people trying to talk to them for some reason. They sicked their naive marshmallow head security guards on Luke and Dan. After getting temporarily distracted by the security guards the bilderberg organizers moved to a remote non public location far away from anyone because they are afraid of their shadows.
1st Bilderberger confronted was Jason Kenney. He is the Canadian Minister of Employment and Social Development
Pepe Escobar: ?Brave Old (Exceptionalist) World
Pepe Escobar is the roving correspondent for Asia Times/Hong Kong, an analyst for RT and TomDispatch, and a frequent contributor to websites and radio shows ranging from the US to East Asia.
– ?Brave old (exceptionalist) world (RT, May 30, 2014):
By Pepe Escobar
“I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being.” So there it is, straight from the lion’s mouth, as in US President Barack Obama.
The rest are details: deadly details, as in the US military remaining “at the core” of the exceptional worldview; the Pentagon reserving for itself “the power to launch unilateral attacks when America’s interests are directly threatened”; eight or nine proxy wars deployed in the immediate future with no end in sight; and the most startling admission – that the “fulcrum” of US foreign policy from now on will be to curb “aggression” by Russia and China.
Bilderberg 2014 Agenda And Attendee’s Announced (Video)
Added: May 28, 2014
Bilderberg 2014: The Complete Cast And Host Nation Breakdown
– Here Come The Bilderbergs: The Complete 2014 Cast And Host Nation Breakdown (ZeroHedge, May 27, 2014):
The only thing more ominous for the world than a Fed raising interest rates is a Bilderberg Group meeting. The concentration of politicians and business leaders has meant the organisation, founded at the Bilderberg Hotel near Arnhem in 1954, has faced accusations of secrecy. Meetings take place behind closed doors, with a ban on journalists. As InfoWars notes, the 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of panic for many of the 120 globalists set to attend the secretive confab, with Russia’s intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe posing a serious threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg spent over 60 years helping to build.
Current list of Participants (source):
- FRA Castries, Henri de Chairman and CEO, AXA Group
- DEU Achleitner, Paul M. Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
- DEU Ackermann, Josef Former CEO, Deutsche Bank AG
- GBR Agius, Marcus Non-Executive Chairman, PA Consulting Group
- FIN Alahuhta, Matti Member of the Board, KONE; Chairman, Aalto University Foundation
- GBR Alexander, Helen Chairman, UBM plc
- USA Alexander, Keith B. Former Comdr, U.S. Cyber Command; Former Director, NSA
- USA Altman, Roger C. Executive Chairman, Evercore
Read moreBilderberg 2014: The Complete Cast And Host Nation Breakdown