1 thought on “DIRE! THE UNTHINKABLE JUST HAPPENED AGAIN!!! (Neil McCoy-Ward Video)”

  1. IMHO Something isn’t quite adding up. Kit Knightly rightly uses the magic word “Allegedly” confirming my established suspicions.The total absence of detailed reporting over Southport raises the question of the now, well proven principle of the FALSE FLAG event and whether in fact the hitherto terrible event ever really took place. Assuming for the moment that it did, how come we haven’t been overwhelmed with anecdotes & fact snippets about the ’17 year old attacker’. No history at all…..which just might be a pointer to the next question….is it remotely possible this ‘Patsy’ is a victim of the ongoing MK ULTRA programme used by the Secret Service since its development and invention by Scotsman Dr. Cameron and development by the Third Reich before being perfected by the kikes under Kissinger. There was no follow up by the ghoul hacks feeding off the frenzy of emotion as they do habitually. It just faded into the background as the race card was hauled out and played to the full audience, a classic kike ‘divide & conquer’ ploy feeding off the emotional turmoil and the Muslim factor thrown in conveniently at the start despite no evidence. Classic HAGELIAN DIALECT – Problem Reaction Solution. The damage was done and the Brit sheep dutifully ran straight into the pen, rioting in the streets, probably with the assistance of the Soros funded Antifa riot circus. Brits, after being shit on with migrants from everywhere were forced to accommodate & pay for them for decades despite openly asking for it to stop, meanwhile the immigrants ghettoised themselves, failing to integrate and fermenting the indigenous discontent. Those British White sheep are totally ignorant of the 1930 kike KALERGI plan to destroy all European Cultures and dilute populations using Black & Arab swarms of migrants, but it is real. In other words….I think there’s far more to these events than we simple plebs are being allowed to know and we must join the dots quickly before it’s too late and the iron door closes. The speed of developments to restrict public protests, free speech & public comment show clearly the depth of preparedness of this restrictive agenda, it is almost as though the whole thing was orchestrated….and I feel sure that Agenda ties in perfectly with the W.E.F. timetable for World Governance. To top all that off, the timely appearance of professional antagonist, kike sponsored, izrail supporting, shit stirring plant, Tommy Robinson can’t be just a coincidence. As Neil Oliver says….WE’RE BEING PLAYED.


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