AND NOW: Since there is no good reason not to like us, is God’s disfavor toward the Jews something akin to the United Nations or the European Union, which just despise us irrationally?


When Jews got expelled 1030 times in human history, it must be solely because of antisemitism.

No other conclusion possible (if you believe their narrative, i.e. lies, lies and then some more lies.).


PDF: The-Complete-List-of-the-1030-Jewish-Expulsions-in-Human-History



However, Hitler, Stalin, Truman, Roosevelt and Churchill were all Freemasons and Illuminati puppets…

We Are On Our Own

Much more information on Adolf Hitler here:

Freemason and Illuminati puppet Adolf Hitler married a Jewish woman: DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’

TPTB have staged the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, WW1, WW2 and now they are staging WW3, exactly as predicted.

See info presented below this article:

Orbán Continues Ukraine ‘Peace Mission’ With Trump Meeting: “He Is The Man Of Peace”

All the world’s a stage and THEY are all Illuminati puppets. All of them (incl. Trump & Putin, as I’ve shown you many times.).

As George Carlin said: “You have no choice.”


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