3 thoughts on “Doug Casey’s #1 Speculation for 2023”

  1. A down to earth assessment of what we’re being set up for. As I.U. Havs always said. . .those of us left after the great cull are most definitely headed for an 1800’s level civilisation status, as the current infrastructure crumbles, food availability is destroyed, and all jobs other than basic ones, evaporate.


  2. The U.K., Europe & USA (the West) average person has spent all disposable income on unnecessary consumables, whilst government has spent on bureaucracy and military, meaning infrastructure has been largely ignored, including power.
    In U.K. the exponential rise in costs of energy resulting from government incompetence, warmongering and manipulation is potentially more serious than first thought.
    The weak infrastructure back up has led the power companies to still give notice of rolling blackouts of 25% of future supply.
    U.K. population ‘stiff upper lip’ is already showing many are choosing to forfeit warmth for food, which is also being deliberately inflated & restricted.
    Consequently the already ‘marginal’ energy suppliers are suffering from poor cash flow from increasing bad debt. Hence the hailed U.K. energy subsidy. However this is but a BAND AID ON A SEVERED ARTERY. If suppliers are in difficulties, which they are, as many are folding, it is logical process that generators, with obsolete, environmentally unacceptable power stations will suffer from the knock on effect of this, and their political noose of being unable to invest in obviously proven efficient equipment, The ridiculously high cost of such plant and the financial penalties applicable can only lead to a serious downturn in the availability of electricity in the future. Germany & France are in a similar situation for similar reasons, and the fact the U.K. purchase almost all London’s power needs from EDF says even more about the state of the infrastructure.
    In consequence it is reasonable to assume our energy situation is currently in dire need of strategic planning, and in the meantime will be subjected to increasing costs, charges and blackouts whilst everything grinds to a halt.
    Add to this the expected 50% population reduction from the cull, and it is reasonable to assess the West’s future as compatibles to the 1850’s to 1920.’s.


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