– ‘We’re in technical recession, but just don’t realize it’: Bank of America sees more ‘shocks’ to come
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
$12T of Quantitative easing to stimulate the Economy.
IMHO we know this money never filtered down to the consumer, so where did it go? Is it just a coincidence that the FED, which issued the QE helicopter money, is controlled by the Investment Banks and mysteriously the totally unaccountable Private Trusts which control BLACKROCK, VANGUARD & STATE STREET (also presumably owned by those same Banks and headed by WEF members as CEO’s of the chosen brethren) have during the period of the QE (2009-2022) found enough resources from an unknown source to purchase majority shareholdings and heavy voting rights in every global corporation in every sector, giving these three “secretive” organisations total influence & control of the policies of the entire global corporate world, and consequently power to control all products consumed by the masses, including food & medication and means of transport.
Strange how they created the helicopter money from thin air to save the Banks & the economy, but we are now facing oblivion whilst the transfer of ownership of everything to the chosen few in the Private Investment Trusts is complete while we flap over a non disease.
Can anyone else shed light on this as it seems all to coincidental to not be part of the contrived WEF plan?
Nice Dot Joining.
A bit of a rant, but understandably so as the dots connect.
She feels the same.
Forme Blackrock Analyst Ed Dowd reports a 10% increase in disability regisrations since Vax Rollout. That is 3million removed from the labour force, which certainly goes a long way to explain the labour pool shortage & contributes to the supply chain issues.