– Fight! Fight! Fight!:
Clif High, April 12
Mike Adams is wrong, but provides a clear example…
In fact he is providing an example of an “unwarranted conclusion”. He says that “If city water could denature King Cobra snake venom, then all snakebites could be successfully treated with water,…”
This is a prime example of an unwarranted conclusion. He equates treatment for SNAKE BITES where the venom is INJECTED into a human, with venom being poured into public water supplies.
These are not the same thing, Mike. Not even close.
Shall we examine the part of the venom being full strength in the snake bite versus being deliberately diluted massively? Shall we examine the idea that the human body, where the snake injects its venom is NOT filled with chlorine, and oxygen, and is very unlikely to go through a deliberate oxygenation process, unlike public water supplies. So readers can see that Mike has no discernment, no nuance in his thinking here. Further there is this leap to equivalency of response in two, completely different environments, injecting a known poison versus diluting it massively into public water & hoping it would still be effective.
And, need we examine the idea that IF snake venom was all that powerful in water, all the snakes would have had to do would be to learn to swim & leave mouth open & all the critters in the lake would die & become easy dinners. We don’t see a lot of that behavior in snakes.
My question to Mike is WHY? Why do you want to promote this idea? What is in it for you? Are you aware of how bad it has made so many people feel? WTF dude?
Ok, your turn, Mike. Are you really going to put more lipstick on this pig & try another kiss?
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Remember this? A classic example of how BigPharma/Big Agri/ Big Chem/ Big Oil etc will create false evidence to trash anyone who questions their corrupt lies.
Here’s one that wouldn’t be trashed, even though he was targeted for the Wakefield/Merck/MRNA reputation trashing treatment.
French Biologist SERALINI showed how tumours in rats given “Round Up” turned into massive lumps over 2 years totally ridiculing MONSATAN’s “everything is OK ” pronouncements after only testing for 3 months.
Sorry, it wasn’t MRNA it was MMR Vax.
Anyway, moving on….is common sense creeping into the auction euphoria?
Zelensky is as corrupt as Biden.
Trump was thwarted by the system.
Jim Rickards sums the eco/political mess.
Ordinary Americans & Europeans will be the victims of this sanctions/war mass of lies mess.
We are being bombarded with chemtrail spraying, more than ever. Officially they are just contrails, but simple observations by the inquisitive instantly disprove that. We don’t know who is funding the massive exercise, but have our suspicions it is the same people funding the vax cull.
It is just another piece in the jigsaw of the planned destruction of mankind, its economy & its environment, weather warfare, under the label ‘geo-engineering.
We are told we must stop using fossil fuels to save the planet while those who tax & penalise us for doing so are poisoniong us and our environment, and again, the sheep are blinkered as always. A coughing epidemic should raise questions, buit it doesn’t.
What is even more disturbing is the growing evidence of environmental damage which is now appearing.
Klaus Schwab’s pet Hirare spouting about his love of culling
Gotta love ’em.
WEF & Ice9
Isn’t MUSK’s bid for Twitter a perfect short cut to acquire a perfect A.I. medium through which the vaxxed can be thought controlled?
Just a thought from a simple soul.
Another game or a real move?
Killing their own Chinese population in droves with the vax while threatening Taiwan is nothing new for the likes of the Red Book promoters.