Chaos & The Triumph Of Survival

(Planned) financial collapse/hyperinflation > followed by (planned) revolution & all-out civil war > followed by (planned) WW3 is coming, as predicted.

WW3 is predicted to come to an abrupt end by the onset of massive earth changes (the so called ‘3 Days of Darkness’).

You are about to experience another TOTAL RESET OF CIVILIZATION on planet earth .

I hope that you will live through it all and see the coming (predicted) Golden Age.

Chaos & The Triumph Of Survival:

One of the most horrifying works of art is Bruegel’s “The Triumph of Death” painted in 1562. The painting depicts the end of life on earth.

I sincerely hope that this is not what the world will literally look like in the next decade or two but metaphorically this is not an unlikely depiction of the chaos that could hit us all.

The financial, economic and moral devastation which is about to hit the world will – for more than 99.5% of the people – come out of the blue like a flash from a clear sky.

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