Whitney Webb: A bill has been introduced in the Senate allow the DHS, DOJ, + FBI to monitor and analyze US internet activity and use it for precrime to “prevent domestic terrorism”

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7 thoughts on “Whitney Webb: A bill has been introduced in the Senate allow the DHS, DOJ, + FBI to monitor and analyze US internet activity and use it for precrime to “prevent domestic terrorism””

  1. How chilling!
    Well there goes free speech and exchange of ideas – you know the very basis that the internet is based on.
    How a bunch of corrupt, criminal organisations get to be the determiners of what terrorism is on the internet does not bode well
    For innocent people doing innocent things that can be framed.
    Looks like any sensible person will hafta limit their use of the internet coz these agencies cannot be trusted with any information on anyone.

  2. ALL these TRAITORS TOOK AN OATH TO GOD AND DID THEY EVER LIE,oh my goodness their the worse LIARS in history,BUT there is a silver lining to this,THEY”LL ALL BE DEAD SOON..AND THEIR THE PROPERTY OF SATAN,THE BIG ASSYRIAN IN HELL..Its always amazes me what people will do for money they’ll never be able to spend..SO wheres your police gangs and military to protect you??.OH THEY LIED TOO…


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