World News (June 21, 2019 Edition): “We Were Cocked & Loaded”: Trump Explains Why He Called Off Iran Strikes In Last Moment – Iran Denies Report Trump Sent Warning About Imminent Attack – Iran Says “It Refrained” From Shooting Down US Plane With 35 People On Board – It’s Back: All Bitcoin Futures Trade Above $10,000 As Institutional Open Interest Explodes – “I Thought It Was A Meteor”: Massive Explosion, Fire Rocks South Philadelphia Oil Refinery – Italy’s Matteo Salvini Threatens to Resign if EU Intervenes With His Tax Cut Plans – 38 degrees F and snowing outside Grangeville Idaho…on the 20th of June – Switzerland: Snow banks so high that they fear they will slide into the road and kill people – A foot of summer snow for the Rockies! Winter Weather Advisory … as in WINTER.

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20 thoughts on “World News (June 21, 2019 Edition): “We Were Cocked & Loaded”: Trump Explains Why He Called Off Iran Strikes In Last Moment – Iran Denies Report Trump Sent Warning About Imminent Attack – Iran Says “It Refrained” From Shooting Down US Plane With 35 People On Board – It’s Back: All Bitcoin Futures Trade Above $10,000 As Institutional Open Interest Explodes – “I Thought It Was A Meteor”: Massive Explosion, Fire Rocks South Philadelphia Oil Refinery – Italy’s Matteo Salvini Threatens to Resign if EU Intervenes With His Tax Cut Plans – 38 degrees F and snowing outside Grangeville Idaho…on the 20th of June – Switzerland: Snow banks so high that they fear they will slide into the road and kill people – A foot of summer snow for the Rockies! Winter Weather Advisory … as in WINTER.”

  1. Interesting & Depressing.

    Being woken up to the continuous realisation that we, the sheeple have been lied to for 2000 years or more purely to benefit the tiny few and those lies are steadily leading us into an Orwellian dystopian society, with censorship, programming, ridicule, confiscation, and removal of free Thought and speech via policing, gives a warm glow inside.

  2. The established plan for a massive Worldwide Population Cull clearly laid out by the U.N. Under its new Agenda 2030 Protocol and matching the numbers called foron the Georgia Guidestones Monoliths near Atlanta, set the total world population at 500,000,000, which is effectively calling for 90% of us to be eliminated in order to achieve what the minority of the Powers that Be, determine will leave them with a sustainable planet.

    Achieving that target requires the death of six and a half thousand million (6,500,000,000) people urgently, and by whatever means possible.

    Obviously, natural wastage through age, illness and reduced reproduction rates will be significant, but inadequate, leaving the way open for war and pestilence.

    Classic Orwellian instructive for continuous war was introduced in 2001 by Dubya Bush following the staged inside job called 9/11, executed by israel with Saudi funding, where the Military Complex can declare war on any nation it deems unacceptable, like Yemen, for whatever hegemonic reason (in this case natural gas) they think of.

    The next favourite choice is Pandemic disease, which they trial regularly with vaccines (capsules of disease contaminated “safety measures” designed to kill us). Examples such as Ebola, Flu, AIDS and Poliomyelitis are well proven (as is the case that the mumps vaccine can cause Autism). The history of State and Corporate health experimentation is frightening and worth checking out.

    But the most disturbing example was the CIA funding a Dutch company (Erasmus) to mutate Harmless Bird Flu (h5n1) into a 100% lethal virus (h7n9). When exposed, they claimed it was so they could develop an antidotal vaccine……..YATHINK?

    The economic depression we now enter will cause much discomfort, starvation, homelessness, rioting, societal deterioration and even collapse. This is already being encouraged in Haiti, Venezuela, Argentina & Brazil, as well as many countries in Africa, Check it out.

    Ignoring the Governmental and Corporate diseases fora moment, Consequential “natural bi-product” diseases of this collapse are Cholera, Dysentery, e-Coli and Typhoid.

    The powers that be don’t give a damn about we sheeple, we are on our own as I.U. often states. This information maybe of help.

  3. The systematic destruction of the Palestine State is the Rothschild plan for over 100 years, and once complete, will enable the illegal state of israel’s Expansion through the Levant all the way up to Georgia, formerly known as Khazaria, home of the Zionist jews, which is their publicly stated target.

  4. I vividly remember him being captured and disappeared by israel’s goons of mossad.

    His crime was in exposing to the world the fact that israel, contrary to the UN and NATO directives had stolen (been given) US technology to develop nuclear bombs, and had developed same, in secret.

    They tested them in South Africa.

    He was sentenced to 18 years in prison after an unjust and secret court case.

    Now, a campaign to get him honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize…..the same one Obama the mass murderer received. What nonsense. Vanunu himself calls it the WAR PRIZE.


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