World News (April 9, 2019 Edition): Pompeo: US Now Views Iran’s Qassem Soleimani As “Equivalent” To ISIS Leader – On Election Eve Netanyahu Boasts Trump Designated Iran’s Guards At His Request – New York City Orders Mandatory Vaccinations Amid Worst Measles Outbreak Since 1991 – Russiagate in 3 minutes (Must-Watch Corbett Report Video) 😂😂😂 – Internet watchdog, blocks & fines: UK outlines plans to protect citizens from all ‘online harms’ – UK govt trying to control online free speech is ‘very serious and sinister’ – Leaked Google Memos Reveal Aggressive “News Blacklist” Used Against Conservative Sites – China Moves To Ban Bitcoin Mining As Crypto Crackdown Continues – Germans Unable To Pay Power Bills…”Electricity Prices Have More Than Doubled”… “344,000 Households Cut Off” – Florida Will Now Generously Allow Homeowners To Garden In Their Own Yards – Trump Cares About Two Things: Empire & The Stock Market – Another Blockbuster Storm Could Hit The Plains And Midwest States This Week…bringing you more ‘Global Warming Goodness’!!! – Exit Polls Show Netanyahu Expected To Win Unprecedented Fifth Term As Israeli Prime Minister – Iran Revolutionary Guard Commander Warns US Carrier: Stay Away From Our Speed Boats – Societe Generale Slashes 1,600 Trading Jobs After Stunning 20% Loss – China’s Special Forces To Station In Zimbabwe, Build Secret Underground Base To Protect Natural Resource Claims – US Sanctions Impede Rescue Efforts In Iran During Historic Flooding – Radiation Concerns Halt Brussels 5G Development – ‘Experiment on kids’: Cross-sex hormone therapy age down to 8 in US govt-funded study, doctor finds

Israel FIRST!…

…invasion and WW3 next?

“Thank you, my dear friend, President Donald Trump,” Netanyahu tweeted in Hebrew, “for answering another one of my important requests.”

Holy shit…

…including the truth!

…just before the (planned) financial collapse & (planned) civil war!

Be happy, be very happy serfs…

An underground base? TPTB know exactly about the coming earth changes…

This is going exactly as intended by TPTB…

TPTB preparing the people for the coming civil war…

An ongoing success story…

Best economy ever???…

…in the greatest economy ever?


…and it will soon get worse, much worse!!!

This is just a here today gone tomorrow (well paid & protected) elite puppet…

(…that is not to say that the Illuminati would not sacrifice that bastard any time if deemed necessary and beneficial for them!!!)

Stay in your safe spaces kids…


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3 thoughts on “World News (April 9, 2019 Edition): Pompeo: US Now Views Iran’s Qassem Soleimani As “Equivalent” To ISIS Leader – On Election Eve Netanyahu Boasts Trump Designated Iran’s Guards At His Request – New York City Orders Mandatory Vaccinations Amid Worst Measles Outbreak Since 1991 – Russiagate in 3 minutes (Must-Watch Corbett Report Video) 😂😂😂 – Internet watchdog, blocks & fines: UK outlines plans to protect citizens from all ‘online harms’ – UK govt trying to control online free speech is ‘very serious and sinister’ – Leaked Google Memos Reveal Aggressive “News Blacklist” Used Against Conservative Sites – China Moves To Ban Bitcoin Mining As Crypto Crackdown Continues – Germans Unable To Pay Power Bills…”Electricity Prices Have More Than Doubled”… “344,000 Households Cut Off” – Florida Will Now Generously Allow Homeowners To Garden In Their Own Yards – Trump Cares About Two Things: Empire & The Stock Market – Another Blockbuster Storm Could Hit The Plains And Midwest States This Week…bringing you more ‘Global Warming Goodness’!!! – Exit Polls Show Netanyahu Expected To Win Unprecedented Fifth Term As Israeli Prime Minister – Iran Revolutionary Guard Commander Warns US Carrier: Stay Away From Our Speed Boats – Societe Generale Slashes 1,600 Trading Jobs After Stunning 20% Loss – China’s Special Forces To Station In Zimbabwe, Build Secret Underground Base To Protect Natural Resource Claims – US Sanctions Impede Rescue Efforts In Iran During Historic Flooding – Radiation Concerns Halt Brussels 5G Development – ‘Experiment on kids’: Cross-sex hormone therapy age down to 8 in US govt-funded study, doctor finds”

  1. I attended a presentation last night from Mr.Hall, who is unbiased and cynical about all UK Gov.
    He made the point that the City of London, which is an enclave, like the Vatican & Washington DC, removed and exempt from all normal Laws to which ordinary citizens must comply, is exempt from investigation and audit.
    However the EU have powers to remove that exemption…..think about it….a power which fails to pass any audit has the power to demand transparency from an entity empowered with secrecy…?????
    The point he made was, the likes of Farage/Hogg ex city banker types, brought up with its secret ways, benefit from Brexit far more than the OIKS who think getting out is for them.
    Psyop perhaps?


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