#Trump Considers "Immigration Czar" To Coordinate Border Policy Across Agencies
"It has yet to be decided whether the post would be housed within the Department of Homeland Security or the White House." https://t.co/JJHyaZ0VWm#USA
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Terrorist Gang Stole BILLIONS from #UK Taxpayers to Fund Al-Qaedahttps://t.co/DlEa1lilHL #AlQaeda #AlQaida
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
H/t reader Squodgy:
Sorry but this smacks of DISINFORMATION, and classic wind up anti islam propaganda.
Firstly, it is well known that Abu Hamza (Captain Hook) is on MI6 books.
Secondly, Abbottabad in Pakistan was a false base created to finally close the embarrassing chapter on Osama bin Laden, the CIA asset who led the USSR destroying Mujahideen in Afghanistan, who died naturally from kidney failure in a CIA Hospital in Saudi Arabia in 2002, and was not captured in 2011 by Seal Team 6 (who have all been ‘coincidentally’ killed since then).Such misleading nonsense points to and possibly exposes NN as being an establishment propagandist lying media.
Al-Qaeda & ISIS are a CIA, MI6 and Mossad operation.
And all those agencies are totally under the control of TPTB.
#Trump Vows to Deport Four Times as Many Asylum Seekershttps://t.co/0ACW4NrEiq#MigrantCrisis #Migrants #USA
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Germany- Stuttgart: Somalian(22) harassed a woman and slit the face of man(60) coming to her aid open with a broken bottle then attacked another passerby(52), who was finally able to subdue him.https://t.co/5Hv2Iaacya pic.twitter.com/XA3eJxC6Ej
— Stan (@StanM3) April 1, 2019
Germany- Syrian(18) threatens teacher with scissors and throws a table at him in Wittenberg.https://t.co/8NPYQSr5z8 pic.twitter.com/4M8ls0C2BP
— Stan (@StanM3) April 1, 2019
Germany- Turkish wedding blocks highway and films it.https://t.co/n8HHnbT4rA pic.twitter.com/MJ0NY1NWk4
— Stan (@StanM3) April 1, 2019
Meanwhile in #Sweden…
„Rassisten“-Eltern lassen Töchter aus Angst vor Asylanten nicht in die Schule
(So if you do not send you daughters to school, where they get sexually assaulted and raped by Muslim #migrants, then you are a racist!)https://t.co/eGqFVnL7Dl#BreakingNews
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Bis zu 200 Millionen Afrikaner zieht es nach #Europa – und #Deutschland erhöht das Taschengeld
(And what could possibly go wrong?)https://t.co/NgomBZmImG#MigrantCrisis #Migrants #Africa #Migranten #Afrika #Germany
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Germany- Sickly pensioner(75) brutally attacked by a Georgian(27) and robbed in Berlin.https://t.co/zUhxW9mYRz pic.twitter.com/Sd9p6X8rg3
— Stan (@StanM3) April 1, 2019
Germany took in too many doctors and engineers: Record numbers of unemployed people with a migrant background. Almost half of all unemployed have a migrant background!https://t.co/fD6z69gJP8
— Stan (@StanM3) April 1, 2019
Islamic class at Bavarian schools to become an elective subjecthttps://t.co/gqmbbMGbNQ pic.twitter.com/St4xZ3P64K
— Stan (@StanM3) March 31, 2019
A Muslim does an honest comparison of Europe to Islamic nations. pic.twitter.com/O3HqplCRtc
— Stan (@StanM3) April 1, 2019
Germany sent a total of six "refugees" back to Greece in 2018.https://t.co/VYH9Vklee8
— Stan (@StanM3) April 1, 2019
Penalty for leaving Islam – According to the Sharia Lawhttps://t.co/AtXhKutDZu#Islam #Muslims #ReligionOfPeace #Sharia #ShariaLaw
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
As a side note :
There are thirteen countries, all of a Muslim majority, which punish apostasy (the renunciation of a particular religion), or blasphemy with death.
Can you feel the diversity & enrichment???https://t.co/sdPxfrQHiK#Islam #Muslims #ReligionOfPeace
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Hupkonzert für Remigration
Identitäre Protestaktion vor dem Innenministerium in Stuttgarthttps://t.co/gHHoBQHhbz#Germany #MigrantCrisis #Migrants #Deutschland #Migranten
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
„Salafisten sind heute nicht immer mehr erkennbar“
Bremen gilt für die Sicherheitsbehörden weiter als Hochburg von Salafisten. Doch…https://t.co/Dx0ZOZcRo5#Islam #Muslims #ReligionOfPeace #BreakingNews
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Rathaus-Chef macht ernst
Frankfurts linker Bürgermeister weist Messer-Stecher aus
(…and he will be back after serving his prison time, just like all the others, that have been deported before. That entry ban means NOTHING!!!)https://t.co/KROexHAkBP
#MigrantCrisis— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Prozesswelle wegen der Merkelgäste überfordert die Gerichtehttps://t.co/GM6qUqftaa#MigrantCrisis #Migrants #Migranten #Germany #Deutschland
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Mordversuch an couragiertem Teenager
Berliner Messer-Freitag: 17-Jähriger „von Gruppe am Hals“ schwer verletzthttps://t.co/5hD2roRFJD
Michael??? … Aha…
BILD Dir Meine Meinung! „Muhammad Messer“ heißt jetzt Michaelhttps://t.co/5hD2roRFJD#MigrantCrisis #Migrants #Crime
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Exklusiv-Report zum Messer-Angriff
Geheim-Akte "Chemnitz": Die kriminelle Karriere des flüchtigen Irakers ist unfassbar
(Unfassbar? This is already normal, if you follow the news about the #migrantcrisis coming from #Germany/#Austria/#France/#Sweden..) https://t.co/pfV85kUyyQ
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Details zur Amberger Prügelnacht
Die mutmaßlichen vier Täter (Migranten) hatten Alkohol und Drogen konsumiert. Danach eskalierte es. Einen Auslöser dafür gab es nicht. https://t.co/HMSUs77fjj#MigrantCrisis #Migrants #Germany #Crime
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Islamkritik wirkt: „Gehört der Islam zu Deutschland?“ ist eine „Fallgrube“https://t.co/YNo2ou07rh#Islam #Muslims #ReligionOfPeace #Germany #Deutschland
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
Gelungene Teilhabe: Jeder zweite Arbeitslose hat Migrationshintergrund
(Sadly, all those doctors and engineers were not able to find a job!)https://t.co/ylQdS2F2gC#MigrantCrisis #Migrants #Germany #BreakingNews
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) April 1, 2019
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