World News (October 9, 2018 Edition): Nikki Haley Resigns As UN Ambassador – NASA Moves To ‘Save’ The World From Yellowstone Supervolcano Threat – Greece “To Claim €280 Billion” In War Reparations From Germany – Watch: “Street Anarchy” As Antifa Attacks Portland Drivers That Don’t Obey – “Fu*k. You. All. To. Hell”: Google Exec Threatens GOP Over Kavanaugh Confirmation

And what could possibly go wrong?…

The New World Order is planned to get installed AFTER the coming financial collapse, civil war, WW3 and the coming earth changes, when there will be some 6 billion less people on the planet, not BEFORE…

Panem et circenses (bread and circuses)…


H/t reader kevin a: Robert Sepehr:

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8 thoughts on “World News (October 9, 2018 Edition): Nikki Haley Resigns As UN Ambassador – NASA Moves To ‘Save’ The World From Yellowstone Supervolcano Threat – Greece “To Claim €280 Billion” In War Reparations From Germany – Watch: “Street Anarchy” As Antifa Attacks Portland Drivers That Don’t Obey – “Fu*k. You. All. To. Hell”: Google Exec Threatens GOP Over Kavanaugh Confirmation”

  1. The basic principle of the debt based, FIAT money economic system is that it has a limited lifespan, normally reached when either the debt becomes unservicable, i.e. nations and individuals can no longer afford to pay the debt interest, or an engineered global event like war, gives the banksters an escape route to reset it.

    Jacob Rothschild is expressing concern that his system is wobbly, but that is the natural cycle of his system. Vlad & Donald have thwarted their ‘reset through war’ plan so far, and we sit like rabbits in headlights awaiting the World Order banksters’ next move.

    Whatever transpires will be very difficult for the great unwashed.


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