World News (May 20, 2018 Edition): Hawaii Residents Trapped As Volcanic Eruption Intensifies, First Major Injury Reported After “Lava Bomb” – Turkey Repatriates All Gold From The US In Attempt To Ditch The Dollar – Arizona Preparing For Post-Earthquake Inflow Of 400,000 Californians – DoJ Confirms Inspector General Will Probe “Impropriety, Political Motivation” Of Obama FBI Spying On Trump – Thousands In Sweden Have Implanted Microchips Under Their Skin

Fairbanks – 10th snowiest winter on record

The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews

UPDATED: Intel Drop: After warning from VT, Turkey arrests Israeli trained Air Force officers

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5 thoughts on “World News (May 20, 2018 Edition): Hawaii Residents Trapped As Volcanic Eruption Intensifies, First Major Injury Reported After “Lava Bomb” – Turkey Repatriates All Gold From The US In Attempt To Ditch The Dollar – Arizona Preparing For Post-Earthquake Inflow Of 400,000 Californians – DoJ Confirms Inspector General Will Probe “Impropriety, Political Motivation” Of Obama FBI Spying On Trump – Thousands In Sweden Have Implanted Microchips Under Their Skin”

  1. Is that 21 with nine zeros?

    It’s actually 12 zeros, but it wouldn’t make any difference if it was 100.
    Is it apathy, ostrichitis, denial, fear, ignorance, or a combination of all that brings about this lack of response?
    The people should be screaming from the rooftops, but nobody complains.


    Don’t they realise that their silence only encourages more abuse?


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