Related info:
– As many as ten million underwater volcanoes … and we wonder what is heating our seas
– Underwater Volcanoes Melting Arctic Ice, Says Geologist
– If we want to stop global warming, we need to shut down underwater volcanoes
– Underwater Volcanoes Heating the Arctic Ocean
– Underwater Volcanoes Heat The Ocean
– Hundreds of thousands of deep-sea volcanoes
H/t reader squodgy:
“It’s fair to say that global warming is just another way to screw the serfs out of their hard earned wages, nothing more. A rip off.
As things develop, one wonders at Gore’s brass neck. They must have known all along, but greed overtook, as ever.
It’s definitely getting darker and cooler on average in the Northern Hemisphere, and we haven’t had volcanic dispersion yet.
Crop germination is being held back, and food shortages will definitely result, leading to price hikes where the serfs suffer.
Vitamin D is already in short supply so illness susceptibility will increase, a natural Agenda 21.”
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