CLAIM: Hurricane Irma a “man-made storm” created via “weather weaponization” technology … new video released

CLAIM: Hurricane Irma a “man-made storm” created via “weather weaponization” technology … new video released

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3 thoughts on “CLAIM: Hurricane Irma a “man-made storm” created via “weather weaponization” technology … new video released”

  1. This rapid evaporation happens naturally in tropical lands (Africa and Brazil) and is not related to industry… (Same with Cuba and Florida on the video)
    It naturally and constantly happens over all equatorial region on oceans too (but not sure if also below clouds).
    In the video, the Rapid Evaporation sites on front side of Irma are moving (turning) with the Huricane clouds, in a speed, that is not attainable by any reasonable boat… Do they pretend, that Rapid Evaporation, needing a real lot of energy, is performed on airplanes ? Or on water surface below clouds, i.e. not powered by Solar energy ?

    While over a power plant cooling towers it is man-made, but power needed for it is tremenduous, but rather expected on a power-plant…

    Otherwise on oceans (most specially if below clouds) it seems too powerful for a human deed…

    (Channeling of ionosphere energy down could explain the power needed. Beside it is claimed that they can make it artificially, it well can also happen naturally…)


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