Yes, and for national security reasons we should simultaneously take out China as well.
Oh wait, and don’t forget Russia and just to make sure we take out India & Iran too.
“Full Spectrum Dominance” in action.
All “problems” solved at once!
Not much to add, except: “SIEG HEIL!!!”
And what could possibly go wrong???
– The moral answer to North Korea threats: Take them out! (New York Post):
Better a million dead North Koreans than a thousand dead Americans.
Instead, we should do something. Pyongyang’s Sunday test of a hydrogen bomb of devastating power begs for decisive action.
Must we wait until Americans die?
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Somehow a symptom of common “American Exceptionalism”. This way most of the world perceive you all, and it is not so much surprising to hear this blatant (and false) supremacism… (Same as Obama’s “twist the hands of all who disagree with us”, not sure about exact word in english original, same with Trump’s “America First”)
(And these most grave of supremacists (in MSM ziomedia) call and yell at others being “Supremacists” most of the time, as thief calls: catch the thief… And some even blatantly call them this “Supremacists” or “Racists” just because of their color of skin, which is even more impudent… For other example, the West accuses Russia of using military exercises to move weapons toward opponent’s borders and preparing invasion, because that is preciselly what they themselves often do, and from their viewpoint they can hardly imagine something different on the other side… Ziomedia accusing Iraq and Iran of WMD, just because Israel on the other side of border does precisely that. Accusations of influencing opponent’s elections, and more so from the mouth of CIA and Soros gangs, are just the same.)