– Scientists Fear “Supervolcano” Eruption As Earthquake Swarm Near Yellowstone Soars To 800:
More than 800 earthquakes have now been recorded at the Yellowstone Caldera, a long-dormant supervolcano located in Yellowstone National Park, over the last two weeks – an ominous sign that a potentially catastrophic eruption could be brewing.
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Since when did nature take odds of an occurrence into account?
Assuming no interference from HAARP (ha!) the projected disruption from ash looks like all points east as far as NYC .
The line projects through Iberia to Italy, the Middle East, southern Russia, Siberia and Japan, then back over the Pacific to BC, Oregon, Idaho and home to Montana & Wyoming.
By then it should be dissipated sufficiently to not smother, but sunlight deprivation will be by a wide band by then, probably over 1500 miles.
But it’s best to look on the bright side, the previous eruptions have all been decreasing in size & presumably violence, and then there’s those odds of 730000 to 1 against.
So what’s 800 quakes between friends?