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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
How do you like the website’s new look?
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WOW! beautiful,bright new look! WellDone! I hope it proves to increase revenue for you. Your hard work should be compensated.
To Dave Wilkinson,
Thank you!
Bright White is so hard on the eyes, to me.
Dark screen is so easy on the eyes, to me..
To kevin a,
This was one of the first templates that was kind of what I was looking for.
I’ve continued my search to find other alternatives, but after a while I thought that I can probably sit here for a long time and will still end up using this template.
Sorry about that.
GERMANY confiscating private dwellings and forcing owners to house illegal alien Muslim invaders in them
Gavin McInnes and U.S. Soldier Terry Schappert man up on tearing down statues of American history.
Six Iranian refugees granted Australian visas after claiming they were too scared to go home – but were were later caught holidaying there
Pakistani actress Veena Malik and husband sentenced to 26 years jail.
A PAKISTANI actress and her husband have been sentenced to 26 years jail after starring in a mock marriage on a Pakistani television program.
I liked the previous look a bit more…
(I like blue color more than red heading and round corners more than sharp)
Just a personal opinion…
To P.A.Semi,
You’ve just mentioned two reasons why I had selected the previous template, but it was not mobile friendly and I’ve been told programming it to be mobile friendly would cost several hundred dollars, which left me with not much of a choice.