Federal Court Demands Release Of Hillary’s State Dept Emails On Benghazi Attack

Federal Court Demands Release Of Hillary’s State Dept Emails On Benghazi Attack:

A Washington DC federal court judge has ordered the State Department to turn over Hillary Clinton’s emails that immediately followed the terrorist attack in Benghazi to the conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch.


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1 thought on “Federal Court Demands Release Of Hillary’s State Dept Emails On Benghazi Attack”

  1. Clinton crims
    Clinton-Petraeus plan:
    She has been sending arms from Libya to Syria during summer 2012, using Benghazi embassy as a disguise, until the chief arms-dealer Stevens was killed by rebels, whom he stolen their weapons to send them via Turkey to Syria.
    Although president Obama vetoed the plan in May 2012, it easily continued… (some worthless puppet as a president is not an argument for CIA…)

    (includes many links to DOD documents and other sources)


    While well knowing the DIA report about Salafist principality (ISIL) starting there by al Qaida, which was “desired”…


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