– “Fight Xenophobia” group firebombs Marine Le Pen’s Paris HQ:
By “xenophobia,” this far-Left group means opposition to the unrestricted immigration of people among whom are unknowable numbers of jihad terrorists and Sharia supremacists. So one must not oppose the entry of those who would do violence to the native population, or these Leftists will do violence to the native population. They’ve got all the angles covered.
Meanwhile, note the continuing fascism, violence, and thuggery of the Left — this attack comes from the same impulse that led some people at Truman State University to call for me to be physically attacked when I speak there tonight.
“Le Pen campaign HQ in Paris targeted by arson attack,” France 24, April 13, 2017:
The Paris headquarters of far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen was the target of a suspected arson attack early Thursday morning, with the leader of the National Front (FN) party suggesting that left-wing extremists were to blame.
Firefighters rushed to the campaign’s offices on the capital’s prestigious rue du Faubourg St. Honoré, near the l’Arc de Triomphe, around 2:30 am and “quickly brought [the fire] under control”. A door and a doormat on the ground floor were nevertheless damaged, police and fire sources said.
A window was also shattered and the graffiti tag “FN vs KLX” was found outside the building, which houses Le Pen’s campaign headquarters, but also an insurance office.
Police said the small blaze was “not accidental, and likely a criminal act”. A group calling itself “Kombattre La Xénophobie”, or Fight Xenophobia, later claimed responsibility for the attack in a telephone call to the AFP news agency.
The person who phoned in said the group had used Molotov cocktails against the National Front’s Paris offices and pledged to carry out similar attacks “every day up until the elections”.
French voters will pick the country’s new president in a two-round election on April 23 and May 7. Le Pen is on pace to win the most votes in the first round of the election, according to opinion polls, but is expected to lose the run-off.
Speaking on French television on Thursday morning, the FN candidate said she knew nothing of the incident, “since state authorities failed to contact us to tell us what happened.”…
H/t reader kevin a.
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A good argument.
Wish you wShy liberal and leftist political policies over 30 years have avoided principles of national pride, resulting in allowing barriers of nationalism to be destroyed via political correct Jew led modernistic societal destruction.
Unfortunately they have underestimated the morphing ability of national pride.