Daily Express: “WW3 RISING: Turkey scrambles TWELVE F-16 fighter jets showing Russia its military POWER”


WW3 RISING: Turkey scrambles TWELVE F-16 fighter jets showing Russia its military POWER:

TURKEY scrambled six pairs of F-16 fighter jets this evening in a fresh show of military might.

However, as I’ve told you before, here:

Russian Ambassador In Turkey Killed In Terrorist Attack By Shooter Screaming “Allahu Akbar” – Live Feed – #WW3

From the article:

“Is this the Archduke moment?”

Not yet, but it is coming!

I’ve told you that there are seers that foresaw the conflict between Russia and Turkey many years ago, but I am also aware of at least one seer who foresaw this and the migrant crisis more recently, not long before the migrant crisis started to hit Europe.

They all saw that Russia will totally destroy Turkey.

As I’ve said many times: TPTB have WW3 planned for us.

Migrant crisis > followed by financial/economic collapse > high inflation > then hyperinflation > civil war all over Europe (Britain will not be spared) & revolution (the US will get the biggest revolution of all times) > immediately followed by WW3.

All planned and engineered by the elite.

Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Angela Merkel, Therea May, François Hollande, … etc., are all Freemasons and elite puppets.

Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin and Adolf Hitler were also Freemasons and elite puppets.

Related info:

Notice that Alois Irlmaier foresaw all of this in around 1950.

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”


200 Years Ago, War Between Turkey and Russia Prophesied

Greek Monk Prophecy & The Third World War:

This is a subject I have touched on before. Both Joseph the monk and Elder Paisios indicate Turkey will cease to exist. And Yes Russian leader Vladimir Putin has indicated to Erdogan he will make Syria his Stalingrad. I think it is also worthwhile to note that nostradamus predicts the third world war will begin with a clash between Greece and Turkey.

Elder Paisios Amazing Prophecies About Constantinople

Here Comes The Sun

Voices From Joseph And The Greek Monastery

A Greek monk named Joseph often speaks with angels and saints. He’s been given detailed prophecy on how the World War Three will begin, who will win, what will happen with USA and European Union and about the Roman Catholic Church which will cease to exist.

Week Seventeen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: Does Erdogan want war with Russia?

In conclusion, I want to mention one disturbing thing.  A Greek elder, a monastic named Paisios, whom the Greek Orthodox Church has glorified as a saint, was known for his prophetic visions.  One of the most famous one was his prediction that Turkey and Russia would have a major war which would result in a complete break-up of Turkey and the liberation of Constantinople from the Ottoman yoke (if you are interested by the details, click here and here).  Now I quite realize that in our times most people will immediately dismiss such things as meaningless nonsense,  obscurantism, superstition, wishful thinking on the part of a “resentful Greek”, religious gobbledygook etc.  But please keep in mind that between the 15th and the 20th century,Russia and Turkey have already fought 12 wars(!).  That over 2 wars (2.4 exactly) per century and that the last one happened a century ago.

“We Have A Civil War”: Inside Turkey’s Descent Into Political, Social, And Economic Chaos:

So the following might be as well real or becoming real.

The author, of the above mentioned book, met an interesting seer, who does not want to be known.

(If all of this is real or becoming real then she probably learned a lesson or two from history and what happened to other seers that were spot on).

Here is what is said about Turkey: “Turkey will explode!” … under Erdogan.

The author says that that civil war will break out in Turkey following a terror attack that will kill 3000.

It gets worse, … “The civil war will be worse than in Syria.”

(There is more happening in between here, that seems highly unlikely at first, but if Greece and Turkey would leave NATO, which is possible, then it could happen that way.)

… before it gets much worse: “Turkey will be destroyed by Russia.”

The Nun & Seer Erna Stieglitz (1894–1965) On The Course Of WW3:

“During summertime, probably in the month of July, when the oil region will already be in Russian hands, the attack of the Soviet Union on the southern and the northern flank, on Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia and Scandinavia will take place.

At the end of July (consistent with Irlmaier’s prediction) the Soviet attacking armies start a Blitzkrieg against Western Europe.”


Illuminati Grand Wizard Albert Pike: ‘We Control Islam and We’ll Use It to Destroy the West’ (WW3)

Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871

Insider Exposed NEW WORLD ORDER Plans In 1969 (MP3 & Transcipt)

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