– Did Satellites Expose A Secret American Drone Hangar In A Saudi Desert?:
Buried deep in the heart of one of the most barren deserts in Saudi Arabia, and the entire planet for that matter, a commercial satellite happened upon what appears to be a very modern airport that suddenly appeared out of thin air from one year to the next. What makes the airport even more mysterious is the fact that there are no planes on site and no government claims ownership of the facility. So, is this airport a mere “Border Guard” facility, as Google Maps would suggest, or did this satellite just happen to reveal the location of a secret U.S. military airport used to conduct drone operations in Yemen?
Possibly related info:
– The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)
Irlmaier foresaw in around 1950 that the U.S. will use thousands of drones & advanced chemical weapons to create a death strip during WW3.
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