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Looks like Jim Stone was right, yet again.
per Jim Stone….
Wikileaks compromised
Someone contacted me from Wikileaks and said the organization is compromised and that anything new released now is hacked and fake. Since I have repeatedly stated Wikileaks has been taken over, with multiple deaths (confirmed deaths of the top people) I’d have to say I believe it. And nothing but re-hashed videos of Assange being released as “new” appearances says it also.
Per JStone
Anonymous sent:
Since last autumn too many odd things have been happening to wikileaks with absolutley no proper explanation from Assange. For a man who’s whole operation is based on credibility that should raise a huge red flag , if he was in a position to explain I’m sure he would have, draw your own conclusions. Even the interview with Hannity was not enough to convince me.
My response: I am not going to budge on this: He was taken away in a black armored van the night after Pamela Anderson brought him a lunch that was probably poisoned. The next day “he had no internet” all of a sudden, then the dead man switch went off, a huge amount of time went by with no confirmation he even existed, he never showed up in the embassy window, and now we are supposed to believe it is the real Assange, with his real mind, and not some sort of mind control product? Whatever. If anything good comes out of “Wikileaks” now, it will be from white hats, I don’t believe it anymore. Do I have proof it is not real? NOPE. But figure the odds. Consider how honest the MSM is also. There simply is no truth through official channels anymore.
At the very least, consider Assange a hero. Even if something is seriously amiss now, we owe Assange a lot, and that is something I did not think would happen (I was always skeptical of Wikileaks) but those mail hacks were way too good and I was not skeptical anymore. He was real at some point and I think that did him in. He could always just show up in the embassy window, even now. Why not? Because if they let him back in, the whole thing starts over. He was given assylum. He probably left to begin with to save his life after getting poisoned.