Crispin Odey Sees 80% Crash In UK Stocks With Recession, Inflation “Inevitable”

Crispin Odey Sees 80% Crash In UK Stocks With Recession, Inflation “Inevitable”:

“The FTSE 100 share index is now up 30% over five years, whilst earnings have fallen by 80%. On an earnings yield of 1.6%, the stock market could fall by 80% and, provided profits did not fall, would be on a 13x P/E multiple. The Bank of England is proud that they have engineered such a pleasant result but there is now increasing evidence that this is unsustainable.”

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1 thought on “Crispin Odey Sees 80% Crash In UK Stocks With Recession, Inflation “Inevitable””

  1. This is sensationalism at its extreme.
    This man is a fund manager who has had some poor results as of late due to incorrect forecasting, so in my humble opinion either he is after publicity or the media just want to expose him in the short term.

    Nevertheless, long term his predictions are probably right as UK has no more manufacruring and most larger business are merely derivatives of global corporations after the destructive economic policies of jew Milton Friedman were followed by Thatcher and her weak successors back in the 80’s & 90’s.
    Again, like in USA, we trusted our leaders, not knowing they weren’t our leaders but mere puppets of the Rothschild Banksters.


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