WHERE IS JULIAN ASSANGE? Still no word from WikiLeaks after video proof he’s alive demand

H/t reader squodgy:

“All the ‘circumstances’ point to the tentacles of the PTB trying to stop him trashing their campaign for Hillary.”

WHERE IS JULIAN ASSANGE? Still no word from WikiLeaks after video proof he’s alive demand:

WIKILEAKS has yet to provide further proof that its editor Julian Assange is alive despite asking Twitter followers to vote on what evidence they would accept to confirm he is not dead.

Conspiracy theories have flooded the internet since Mr Assange went quiet after being stripped of his internet access in the Ecuadorian embassy last week.

On Sunday WikiLeaks tweeted that he was “safe” and still in charge of the organisation, and promised a further statement on Monday.

WikiLeaks launched a Twitter poll asking what proof people would accept he was alive, after Monday’s statement failed to convince people.

The tweet said: “Thousands keep demanding Assange proof of life. Not unreasonable. He’s in a tough spot and is WikiLeaks best known validator. Preference?”

The four poll options were a picture, a video, a statement from his lawyers, or an appearance by himself at the window of the Ecuadorian embassy, where Wikileaks says he remains.

The poll expired at 4am (BST) yesterday, with 103,461 users taking part.

Nearly 53,000 people (51 per cent) called for a video of him holding a current newspaper as proof, while more than 36,000 (35 per cent) wanted him to appear at the embassy window.

Around 8,000 people (eight per cent) asked for a picture and about 6,000 (six per cent) said they wanted a statement from his lawyers.

Social media went into meltdown over the bizarre messages, consisting of a string of numbers, which conspiracy theorists speculated may be a “dead man’s switch”.Prominent figures who fear for their lives, such as Mr Assange, have been known to programme their communication channels to send out seemingly incomprehensible messages upon their deaths which make sense to only a select few followers.Last Monday WikiLeaks’ official account posted three tweets – one about US Secretary of State John Kerry, one about Ecuador and one about the UK Foreign Office, each followed by a series of numbers and letters.

After the mysterious messages were posted, the whistleblowing website added: “Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.”

Mr Assange has been cooped up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for more than three years as he seeks to avoid extradition to Sweden on sex assault allegations.

He fears that, from there, he could be extradited to the US to face charges over WikiLeaks’ activities.

Concerns about his safety intensified earlier this month after it emerged that Hillary Clinton asked whether the US military could “drone” Mr Assange whilst she was Secretary of State.

But despite the widespread support for a new video, WikiLeaks has yet to respond or comment on the poll.The Wesearchr Twitter feed tweeted: “16 hours ago Still no @wikileaks confirmation that #JulianAssange is alive! Very suspicious.”The tweet on Sunday, before the poll, had said: “We will release a statement tomorrow about Assange.

“Our editor is safe and still in full command despite reduced communications with staff.”

But Monday’s statement just said Mr Assange does not publish documents or other work from inside the embassy, and this is done from “large data centres” across Europe.

A series of theories emerged about Mr Assange’s safety after his internet access was cut off by the Ecuardorian embassy where he remains holed up.

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1 thought on “WHERE IS JULIAN ASSANGE? Still no word from WikiLeaks after video proof he’s alive demand”

  1. per Jim Stone.

    Consider these facts, and then figure the odds of him being alive:
    1. Wikileaks DNS Server was suddenly pointed elsewhere. That’s right, that night, in the wee hours of the morning after Pamela was there (to poison him) police in an armored vehicle showed up at the embassy, and THAT NIGHT the DNS server pointed to a different IP address for Wikileaks, and GOOGLE updated everything instantly, so the transfer was completely seamless from the real wikileaks server to the fake wikileaks server that was at a completely different IP address.

    2. Mr Assange’s subsequent tweets were noticeably more hostile and attacked his most loyal supporters. I reported this repeatedly.

    3. Mr Assange’s tweets regularly misspelled the names of some of his closest friends whom he has known for decades (Gavin McFadyen became McFayden for example). McFadyen,76, the director of Wikileaks, was found dead three days after Assange started having mystery problems. This is something I made a huge issue of here.

    4.Streams of disinformation were spewed

    5. Themes supported by Mr Assange for years were then knocked down or discredited by his subsequent tweets and communications. Very bad timing with that. Everyone with a brain noticed this, and it lit up the forums and blogs.

    6. “Body double” rumors have been circulated and documented;

    7. New strange hitherto unknown moderators of Wikileaks have suddenly been installed.

    8. His “deadman switch” WAS ACTIVATED BEFORE THE ARMORED VEHICLE EVEN SHOWED UP AT THE EMBASSY, which means Assange probably manually triggered it after he figured out he was poisoned. Much of his stored data and secret website PINS were to be released in the event of his untimely death (I released both dead man switches here, one encrypted and one unencrypted)

    All of this happened right after Pamela Anderson showed up with a lunch that was no doubt poisoned and the media talked all about how Assange was “pale” and “not feeling well” when she left and that he said the food Pamela brought him was “torture”. Good for a laugh in the inside circles to have this go out on the MSM no doubt.
    MY TAKE: ASSANGE WAS POISONED, AND THEN REMOVED FROM THE EMBASSY IN AN ARMORED VEHICLE. This was clearly visible in a live feed someone set up that night because something was amiss, and I saw that and stayed up the entire night for it. That is why I so strongly stated that he can’t possibly still be at the embassy. Perhaps he got medical care to save him and is now being waterboarded.

    If the new “wikileak releases” are real, they are NOT coming from the Wikileaks server, only a re-direct to a different server in the name of Wikileaks. The IP address change proves it, and we can only hope it is white hats doing it. It seems so, but one could only guess.

    And yet….could this be true? I think it is his supporters’ website.



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