From the (first) article:
“We’re dealing with an area that’s probably as big as antibiotics in 1947-48 which will impact medicine tremendously, but we don’t even know what we’re doing with it yet,” he says
Ironically, antibiotics have been totally destroying a healthy gut flora ever since.
– Faecal transplants: ‘My dad’s poo saved my life’:
WHEN Rachel Challen fell chronically ill as a teenager, her dad Jeremy donated part of him to help her get well. But it wasn’t his blood or an organ Jeremy gave Rachel – it was his poo, and she says it saved her life.
From the age of 15, Rachel suffered from chronic constipation. She saw multiple GPs and specialists, who prescribed different medicines and recommended elimination diets, but the nausea, bloating and cramps continued to plague her final years of high school.
Rachel was admitted to hospital on several occasions and her mental health suffered. However, a faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) in 2013, at the age of 18, changed all that.
H/t reader kevin a.
– Hitler used FMT! So what’s new?….
– Adolf Hitler was on crystal meth and a drug made from human faeces Channel 4 documentary shows:
The troubling film shows a nervy hypochondriac who relied on 74 different kinds of medication at one point of his life
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I think we should make poo the new gold.