US Slams Russian “Barbarism” In Syria; Moscow Responds Peace “Almost Impossible Now”

US Slams Russian “Barbarism” In Syria; Moscow Responds Peace “Almost Impossible Now”

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1 thought on “US Slams Russian “Barbarism” In Syria; Moscow Responds Peace “Almost Impossible Now””

  1. Following the treachery by Obama, Kerry and gopher Ash Carter regarding the cease fire agreement when US murdered 62 Syrian Soldiers, Vlad has suddenly but belatedly accepted the US have proved indisputably to be dishonest and untrustworthy at the very least.

    The Russian response is already taking place and all Al Nusra & ISIS units are being corralled for public humiliation and destruction.

    Unfortunately the US will be flushed out also as suppliers, funders and trainers of this terrorist army whilst claiming to be wanting to destroy it. Such is American & British hypocrisy, disinformation, deception and propaganda.

    All bets are off now.


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