– UK government refuses to give MPs vote on arms sales to Saudi Arabia:
The British government refuses to give lawmakers a vote on whether to keep selling arms to Saudi Arabia, engaged in war crimes in Yemen.
In a leaked draft report last week, the Committee on Arms Exports Control echoed both the European Parliament and the Commons International Development Select Committee in calling for arms sales to the monarchy to end.
If the report is finalized, the MPs on that committee would add their names to recommendations by the House of Commons International Development Committee who have also urged an end to the weapons sales.
However, there have been reports of political maneuvering in the parliament in order to prevent lawmakers from blocking arms sales to Saudis.
H/t reader squodgy:
“The House of the corrupt Saud family, set up by the Rothschild run Bush’s must be perpetuated at all costs in the interests of the jew banksters & oil corporations.
Remember the Rothschilds & Royal Families own the prime shares in Shell & BP.”
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