– School bans American flags at games, favors Hispanics feelings:
NORTH CAROLINA (INTELLIHUB) — Well, I hate to say it — but America is just not America anymore. I can’t believe this!
Tavelers Rest High School principle Lou Lavely has banned participants of football games with Berega High School from bringing or waving American Flags as America is being transformed into a wasteland by design.
And can you believe it? Lavely responded to the backlash after banning the flag from games and responded on Facebook by posting:
“Some events at last evening’s football game have resulted in concerns being raised in our community. I am writing to assure that any decisions made regarding American flags being permitted into the game were made in the best interests of all attending the game and in the spirit of patriotism and respect for our flag.”
So essentially the principle is catering to Hispanics — the ones who don’t respect this country or its flag rather than true American’s with pride.
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Source: EAG News
H/t reader kevin a.
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He is a fucking idiot! How is banning the flag respecting it?
Who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks about it? This America and in this country we speak English wave our flag and take pride in it! We have to watch these assholes from Mexico wave that shit ass flag in our country. If you like that shit hole country so much go the fuck back to it!