The 28-Pages Are Way Worse Than I Thought

The 28-Pages Are Way Worse Than I Thought:

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Shortly after the release of the infamous 28-pages earlier today, the White House issued a statement dismissing allegations of Saudi involvement in the attacks of 9/11. I believe such assurances are intended to prevent people from reading it in the first place, because if you actually read them, your mouth will be wide open the entire time in disbelief.

There are only two conclusions any thinking person can come to after reading the 28-pages.

1. Elements within the Saudi government ran the operations behind the 9/11 attack.

2. The U.S. government covered it up.

But don’t take my word for it. You should read it yourself.

Just to give you a little taste, here’s what was found on the first page alone (click on the images for the entire document).


For prior articles on the 28 pages, see:

Additional Evidence Emerges That U.S. Government Officials Intentionally Whitewashed the Saudi Role in 9/11

Video of the Day – 60 Minutes Explores the Saudi Links to 9/11 Attacks

Disturbing Claim – FBI Interrogated Former Senator for Wanting “28 Pages” Declassified

Two Congressmen Push for Release of 28-Page Document Showing Saudi Involvement in 9/11

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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