– Oh Look, Another Microphone On In Your House!:
As expected, this new version of macOS will finally bring support for Siri to the desktop. To bring up Siri, which is getting its own improvements today, too, all you have to do is say “hey Siri,” and Apple’s modestly useful AI assistant will be at your beck and call.
Siri will be able to help you find files on your Mac and send messages, and because it works in the background, it’ll also help you perform tasks while you are using other apps in full-screen mode, Apple says.
And, of course, it will be transmitting your speech back to Apple whenever it feels like it.
Welcome to spying corporate-style. Well, at least until the government “asks”, at which point it will be open season.
My only question to Apple would be this: Can I shut that piece of crap off and actually know it’s off or do I need to open up the Mac and snip the microphone connector wire physically?