The United States feigned surprise during the simulation of an attack by the Russian aviation against the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea. And yet, as we have reported, Russia already has the capacity to block the ship’s Communications & Commands, and did so, observes Manlio Dinucci, because the ship was in the process of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). Furthermore, the US nuclear deployment occurred as China is developing hypersonic launchers, a part of whose trajectory will be in glide mode, inspiring new research by DARPA. As from now, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin are participating in the Tactical Boost Glide Program.
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“Dead Hand”.
An interesting and typically protective concept. Good to see the Russians trusted the U.S. and NATO sensibly by preparing a fail safe.
Furthermore, in view of the continued stick poking policy the U.S. Exercising against Russia on behalf of the Neocon Zionists of israel, it would be stupid to think Vlad hasn’t updated the system to include those most likely protagonists as israel, I know I would.