– If we want to stop global warming, we need to shut down underwater volcanoes:
“The last 1 million years have been the coolest million years in the last 250 million years.”
– Ray KraftIf we want to stop global warming, we need to shut down underwater volcanoes
By Ray Kraft
Wikipedia / Paleoclimatology has a good illustration of constant climate change over 500,000,000 years, with hundreds of cycles of global warming / cooling in the last 50 million years, and 10 cycles of global warming / cooling (“ice ages”) in the last 1 million years.
The last 1 million years have been the coolest million years in the last 250 million years, the long-term trendline has been cooling for 250 million years.
No theory of climate change / global warming even begins to be credible UNLESS it plausibly explains the vast climate changes of the past fifty million years, at least, as global warmings and coolings and ice ages have come and gone and sea level has risen and fallen 400 feet or more again and again and again.
I.e., to be credible, the theory must credibly explain the evidence.
Looking at this circus as a lawyer, it seems to me that anyone who actually believes that changing a few hundred parts per million or parts per billion of trace gases in a climate where local temperatures rise and fall by fifty degrees or more, in many places, every day, warming in sunlight, cooling in shadow, is just being foolish.
Illogical, irrational, delusional
The world has has become infatuated with a mass folly.
The fact that temps can rise and fall fifty degrees or more between noon and midnight is CONCLUSIVE PROOF that CO2, NO2, and Methane, which are fairly evenly distributed throughout the atmosphere, obviously have trivial powers to “trap heat,” if they were “heat trappers,” the temp couldn’t rise or fall very much very quickly, but it does.
Water vapor is a different story; where the local climate is dry, the local temps heat up very quickly when the sun is shining, cool down very quickly when the sun is not shining. Go camping on the Mojave desert, conclusive proof. Where the local climate is very humid, as in the tropics, there isn’t much warming in daytime, and there isn’t much cooling at night, i.e., the water vapor is “trapping heat,” for real.
In a full-page message in the Sacramento Bee on Sunday, September 27, paid for by Dr. Lawrence Gelman of MCallen, Texas, he points out that water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs 20,000 times more heat energy than does CO2.
If we want to stop global warming, we need to shut down the volcanoes under the oceans that heat the ocean and cause increased evaporation of water vapor from the sea into the atmosphere.