Putin Sends Tanks to Syria: “Largest Deployment of Outside Russian Forces Since USSR Collapse”

Putin Sends Tanks to Syria: “Largest Deployment of Outside Russian Forces Since USSR Collapse”

1 thought on “Putin Sends Tanks to Syria: “Largest Deployment of Outside Russian Forces Since USSR Collapse””

  1. This is just more US right wing propaganda……The average US citizen could care less about Syria……they are sick of foreign wars that impoverish them while filling the pockets of a few greedy guts.

    A CNN poll showed 88% of Americans polled are worried about the economy…..So, they focused on terrorism……Nobody believes them anymore, all they do is lie.

    Americans want their economy to recover, nobody believes Russia would hit the US with nuclear weapons…….the US would hit back. Stupid article, incredible fear mongering on lousy precedents….


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