H/t reader squodgy:
“Money, money, money, money……..First priority should be thorough checking of long term effects on other living things.”
– The Dangers of Genetically Engineered Trees (The Real Agenda News, June 17, 2015):
Corporations in the US and Brazil have requested government authorization to release hundreds of millions of genetically engineered eucalyptus trees for fuel and pulp.
We have recently learned that the GE Loblolly Pine and Arctic Apple have been approved by the USDA.
If communities do not learn about, organize and STOP the requested unrestricted release of 500 million GE eucalyptus trees or the Loblolly Pine, inhaled pollen could perhaps take away our choice to live GMO free, FOREVER.
“The rush to apply these ideas is absolutely dangerous because we don’t have a clue what the long term impacts of our manipulations are going to be…” said Dr. David Suzuki, from the 2007 film, A Silent Forest: The Growing Threat of Genetically Engineered Trees.