– Britain – Coldest summer in years, Met Office admits (Ice Age Now, Sep 3, 2015):
The UK’s average temperature this summer was among the lowest in 20 years, the Met Office has revealed. It also admitted it failed to predict the wash-out over the last few months.
Cornwall and the south coast coped with up to three times the average rainfall for August, while Dorset, Hampshire and Guernsey endured the wettest end to the summer in 50 years, the Met Office said.
It is hoped the use of a new £97 million supercomputer, the first phase of which went live this week, will allow more accurate weather forecasts in future, said Chief scientist Prof Dame Julia Slingo.
Thanks to Caroline Snyder in West Virginia for this link
“Well, well!” says Caroline. “According to those computer models, the Arctic summer ice should have gone completely by now, and Britain should be growing olive trees on the south coast.”
“So WHAT is happening? Simple.. we are entering the next LIA (Little Ice Age).”