On trade deal, Hillary Clinton keeps her distance from Obama and her past

H/t reader M.G.:

“Clinton’s view on the debacle of a trade deal is well established……she advocated and promoted it as Secretary of State…..

Now, she hides…..”

On trade deal, Hillary Clinton keeps her distance from Obama and her past (Washington Post, May 12, 2015)


1 thought on “On trade deal, Hillary Clinton keeps her distance from Obama and her past”

  1. What an amoral piece of s**t!
    This creature would sell her own mother for a political advantage.
    The fact she promoted this debacle of a bill as secretary of state tells me she is unfit to serve in any capacity.
    If the democrats are fool enough to run her, they will lose.
    Bernie Sanders is like a breath of fresh air in a stale political environment full of the same wearying retreads that shove their fat asses out there every season.


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