Eurozone Didn’t Allow Greece To Bankrupt In 2010


‘Greece Won’t See A Cent Of The GREAT BAILOUT’ (Telegraph) … It’s All For The Banksters!

Shame On Europe For Betraying And Raping Greece For Its Bankster Masters:

When we casually use a term like “bailout”, it is important to remember that it is not people who are being bailed out, or at least not the Greek people. The bailout will not save a single Greek life. The opposite is the case. What is being “bailed out” is the global financial system, including the banks, hedge funds and pension funds of the other EU member states, and it is the Greek people who are being ordered to pay – in money, time, physical pain, hopelessness and missed educational opportunities. The relatively neutral, even stoic, term “austerity”, is a gross insult to the Greek people. This is not austerity; at best it is callousness.

Max Keiser on Greece: ‘The IMF is a Financial Mafia’:

The only solution for Greece is to arrest the Goldman Sachs bankers immediately and all those involved in the fabrication of Greek economic data in 2000, when you became a member of the eurozone. The next step is to nationalize all banks like Sweden did in 1993. The International Monetary Fund is that last thing you need. You will lose your sovereignty. It exercises terrorism. You will be raped in such a way, that it will be the worst pain you have ever felt.

If someone burns down your house in order to sell you charcoal, would you consider this logical? That is exactly what Goldman Sachs did to the Greek economy. They burned you down like arsonists and then they tell you not to worry they’ll give you charcoal. It’s outrageous. The IMF has said that it can provide Greece with help. The Wall Street investment hedge funds are attacking Greece’s bond market so that the Greek economy collapses. And they’re doing this for a simple reason; to force the Greek people to ask for help from the IMF. The IMF will say, we came because you asked for our help. Wall Street bankers work very closely with the IMF. It’s a financial mafia and the hedge funds are the assassins. Research conducted on Goldman Sachs in the USA and in Europe show how big a mafia it is. They are involved in illegal activity throughout the world.


Eurozone didn’t allow Greece to bankrupt in 2010 (The Real Agenda News, April 22, 2015):

French and German banks were weakened due to their heavy investment in Greek debt.

According to the documentary titled “On the Trail of the Troika“, the euro states prevented Greece from going bankrupt in order to protect German and French banks. Those banks, research shows, were exposed to almost €40 billion in Greek debt and were afraid to lose the money.

Not only did Germany and France not allow Greece to declare bankruptcy, but also used their taxpayers’ money to finance the never ending Greek debt financial system.

Unfortunately for European taxpayers and also for the Greek people, billions of euros given to Greece did not actually get to the people, but to German and French banks that operated in Greece.

The documentary also reveals that Greeks were not allowed by the Troika to try to fix the problem for themselves, which in turn resulted in the sistematic ruin of the country. The previous government accepted the conditions imposed by the Troika, which mean cutting funds for health care, education, pensions, salaries and other social programs. 

The documentary shows how Greek business went bankrupt while bankers in Brussels, Berlin and Frankfurt knew from the very beginning that Greece would never be able to pay its debt.

The documentary On the Trail of the Troika interviewed guests such as Thomais Weiser, Giorgos Papandreou, Philippe Legrain, Paulo Nogueira Batista, Paul Krugman and the current Greek Minister of Finance, Yanis Varoufakis.

You can see the complete interviews below:

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