– Why Germany Will Throw Up On The Greek “Reform Proposals”: Wage Hikes, Foreclosure Protection, “Red Lines” (ZeroHedge, Feb 23, 2015)
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– Why Germany Will Throw Up On The Greek “Reform Proposals”: Wage Hikes, Foreclosure Protection, “Red Lines” (ZeroHedge, Feb 23, 2015)
I find the term throw up offensive. Germany isn’t much better off than Greece, both have debt to GDP at well over 200%. Germany is at 224%, Greece at 296%…….Germany needs to look at their own problems, and stop dictating to the other countries. They are no smarter, no better off, and are buried in debt. The EU project is failing, and sinking under excessive debt.
Once your debt to GDP hits 100%, as the US did just recently, that means every cent coming in is owed elsewhere. Without productivity and growth, there is nothing that grows but the debts.
The EU needs to force greedy guts to take severe haircuts, or all should just file bankruptcy, set their starter at zero, and start afresh…………and give the EU the burial it has prepared for itself. It is over. Every single member is in triple digit debt they can never pay. There isn’t enough money in the world to meet the current demands of greedy gut bankers.
The time to cut greedy guts down to size is upon us. Nothing else will work.