Priest banned from using social media sites for six months after posting ‘anti-Semitic’ comments claiming Israel was behind 9/11


Sadly all those videos have been removed. However, there are still several videos with him to be found on YouTube:

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Former Director Of Studies At The US Army War College: ‘It Is 100% Certain That 9/11 Was A Mossad Operation’ (Video):

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at the US Army War College says that the military brass now know that Israel “and those traitors within our nation” committed the 911 attack.

……”I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.” Period.

……”There are some really, really unhappy people up there…….astonishment was the first thing…..they didn’t know, they truly didn’t know……and the next statement is rage…real rage”

……” The Zionists are playing this as an all-or-nothing exercise. If they lose this one, they’re done…..”

More info on 9/11 down below.

Poof, gone for no reason at all

Priest banned from using social media sites for six months after posting ‘anti-Semitic’ comments claiming Israel was behind 9/11 (Daily Mail, Feb 10, 2015):

A vicar who suggested Israel was responsible for the 9/11 attack on the twin towers has been banned from Twitter and other social media for six months, the Church of England said yesterday.

The Reverend Stephen Sizer used his internet accounts to spread ideas which were ‘clearly anti-Semitic’, it said.

But despite his ‘indefensible’ actions the cleric will be allowed to remain a priest and to keep his job as vicar of the wealthy parish of Christ Church in Virginia Water in Surrey.

The Church’s verdict on Mr Sizer follows a series of clashes between the vicar and Jewish leaders over his vehement campaigning against Israel, during which he attended a conference in Iran during which Israel was accused of plotting the 9/11 attack.

The controversy over the vicar came to a crisis last month when he posted an article on his Facebook page which attempted to connect wealthy Jews to the attacks. ‘Is this antisemitic?’ Mr Sizer commented under the link, adding ‘It raises so many questions.’

Yesterday Bishop of Guildford the Right Reverend Andrew Watson said that the vicar’s campaigning on the Middle East was ‘no longer compatible with his ministry as a parish priest.’

The bishop declared: ‘I do not believe that his motives are anti-Semitic; but I have concluded that, at the very least, he has demonstrated appallingly poor judgment in the material he has chosen to disseminate, particularly via social media, some of which is clearly anti-Semitic.

‘By associating with or promoting subject matter, which is either ambiguous in its motivation, or, worse still, openly racist, he has crossed a serious line. I regard these actions as indefensible.’

Bishop Watson said he welcomed the fact that Mr Sizer apologised amid the controversy that followed his latest Facebook intervention in the debate over terrorism together with ‘his recognition of the deep hurt caused by his actions, his acknowledgement of the gross insensitivity of their timing just prior to Holocaust Memorial Day, and his retraction of the ridiculous suggestion that Israel may have been complicit in the events of 9/11.’

The bishop set a series of conditions for Mr Sizer keeping his job.

They include a promise from the vicar to stop using social media entirely for six months, to stop writing and speaking about the Middle East and its history, and to stay away from conferences that promote an anti-Zionist agenda. He has also undertaken to stop writing or preaching anything on the subject, to avoid posting links to articles on the subject, and to prevent anyone else from speaking on his behalf on the matter.

Mr Sizer will resign from his job at Christ Church immediately if he breaks his pledges ‘in letter or in spirit’, the bishop added.

Bishop Watson said that Mr Sizer will ‘redirect his energies into his work as a parish priest.’

The bishop added: ‘I am hugely sorry for the hurt which has been caused to members of the Jewish Community, and I hope and pray that the storms of the past two weeks will ultimately serve to deepen and strengthen our relationship, one with another. This is a time when I would urge all Christian people to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Jewish brothers and sisters in countering the alarming rise of anti-Semitic incidents being reported.’

The Board of Deputies, the representative body for British Jews, said: ‘We are grateful that the Church shared our deep concern that Mr Sizer had indeed crossed a line in the offensive materials he was posting and linking to online.

‘We hope that Mr Sizer’s unbecoming and inappropriate conduct has now been brought to a close.’

Yesterday’s pledges were not the first time the vicar has undertaken to moderate the views he promotes on the internet. Following complaints by the Board of Deputies in 2013, he promised that in future three people would read his website and blog in order to check the content and monitor links to websites.

More info on 9/11:

Power Downs, Evacuations, Strange Events In Weeks Before 9/11 (Video)

Bill Cooper Predicted 9/11 (Video)

June 2001 Bioterror Exercise Foreshadowed 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks

9/11 Terrorists Caught Testing Airport Security Months Before Attacks

9/11 TRUTH GOES NUCLEAR: Massive Download In Progress

FBI Whistleblower: Pentagon, CIA, NATO and MI6 Were Masterminds Behind 9/11

9/11 FACT: The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The US Military Arsenal

Ron Paul on 9/11: “I Believe That If We Ever Get The Full Truth, We’ll Find Out That Our Government Had It In The Records Exactly What The Plans Were, Or At Least Close To It” (Video)

Top NSA Whistleblower: We Need a New 9/11 Investigation Into the Destruction of the World Trade Center (Video)

‘I Was Absolutely Shocked At What I Read,’ Congressman Calls For Release Of Secret 9/11 Documents (MUST-WATCH VIDEO)

3 Congressmen Call for Release of Secret 9/11 Documents After Reading Them

9/11 Conspiracy Solved (Documentary)

Bush & Cheney Asked Several Times NOT To Investigate 9/11 AT ALL (Video)

The U.S. And Its Allies Had Contact With Bin Laden And The 9/11 Hijackers Many Times Before 9/11

‘Mossad, Bush Planned, Executed 9/11’ (Veterans Today)

U.S. Court Revives 9/11 Victims’ Case Against Saudi Arabia

An Act of War: CIA Leak Gives ‘Incontrovertible Evidence’ That 9/11 Was State Sponsored

Two Congressmen Push For Release Of 28-Page Document Showing Saudi Involvement In 9/11


HIGH TREASON: 9/11 & Operation Gladio (RT Video)

Retired U.S. Major General: ‘I Can Prove That It Was Not An Airplane’ That Hit The Pentagon

Former Pilot And 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Kills His 2 Teen Children, Then Himself

Former US Major General Exposes 9/11 Hoax (Video)

World Trade Center 7: NEVER FORGET … That No Plane Hit This Building

Leaked Video Of Cruise Missile Hitting Pentagon On 9/11 (Video)

CIA Officer John Kiriakou Imprisoned To Protect 9/11 Cover-Up (Veterans Today)

11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See

New 9/11 Showcase: Explosive Evidence – Don’t Be The Last To Know! (Video)

9/11: The World Trade Center Collapse Part 1: Scientific Evidence And 200+ Mainstream Testimonies Virtually Prove Buildings Brought Down With Thermate And Explosives

Black 9/11: Money, Motive, Technology, And Plausible Deniability (Documentary)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Osama bin Laden Myth

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI – 9/11 Was An Inside Job (Video)

Must Read: Illuminati Assassins (Veterans Today)

Israel Lobbyist Suggests False Flag Attack To Start War With Iran (Veterans Today)


Israel Seeks War On Iran To keep Lid On 9/11 (Veterans Today)

911 Dust By Jeff Prager – Final Version (Veterans Today)


9/11 IRAN REVIEW Interview – ‘Mossad Played Crucial Role In 9/11 Attacks’ (Veterans Today)

Bush Insider Says 911 Was An Inside Job (Video)

9/11 Truth Will Out: The Vancouver Hearings II (Veterans Today)

Israel Did 9/11 – All The Proof In The World (Video)

9/11 Truth will out: The Vancouver Hearings I (Veterans Today)

9/11: Explosive Evidence – Over 40 Scientific Experts Speak Out (Full Documentary – PBS Video)

9/11 J’accuse: Zelikow, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, And O’Brien (Veterans Today, August 30, 2012)

Scientist Leuren Moret: Intentional Collapse And Takedown Of The USA – Depleted Uranium (Video)

Egypt’s New President Mohamed Morsi Calls For 9/11 Investigation

Former Head Of Star Wars Missile Defense Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

Silverstein Laughs All The Way To The Bank: Insurer Caps WTC-Demolition Asbestos Payout At 10 Million (Veterans Today)

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Former Director Of Studies At The US Army War College: ‘It Is 100% Certain That 9/11 Was A Mossad Operation’ (Video)

9/11: Scientific Evidence For Reality Deniers

9/11: Take Our World Back! Government And Media Deceptions Exposed

9/11: It Wasn’t Muslims!

Rabbi Confesses That Israel Conducted The 9/11 Attacks (Video)

Flashback: Loose Change (Final Cut)

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

9/11 Commission Admits: We Never Got All Of The Facts

Webster Tarpley: The Rogue Network Behind 9/11 is Still in Place, and may be Preparing to Strike Again (MP3)

CIA Censors 9/11 Book

Architects & Engineers: Solving The Mystery Of WTC 7

Richard Gage, Founder Of Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth, Backed By 1,500 Architects And Engineers On Press TV – 9/11 Thermite Evidence Haunts US Liars

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik: Osama Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag (Video)

Bush Cousin Judge John M. Walker Presides Over 9/11 Suit Against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers

Former Governor Jesse Ventura on Government Cover-Ups . . . 9/11, the Reality of HAARP and Making Government Better

The NEW Remember WTC Building 7 TV Campaign

Egyptian General: Enemy Agents In The White House And Israel Carried Out 9/11

Illuminati Symbolism In Movies, Incl. 9/11 Symbolism Years Ahead of The Attack

CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Blows the Whistle on 9/11, Iraq

Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano: 9/11 Report Is A Cover-Up From Start To Finish!

– Former governor Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: 9/11

– Former governor Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: 911 Pentagon Attack (Full Episode)

Operation Dark Heart: Book Burning by Obama Administration

Pentagon to Buy and Destroy All 10,000 Copies of a Memoir by Former Defense Intelligence Agency Officer Anthony Shaffer

100 Reasons to Reinvestigate 9/11

US Government lies about molten steel found at Ground Zero after 9/11

Flashback: Donald Rumsfeld said Flight 93 shot down

NASA Flight Director: 9/11 Aircraft Speed Is The ‘Elephant In The Room’

Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST-SEE!)

Former FBI Senior Special Agent Ted Gunderson Says 9/11 Was An Inside Job


9/11 Family Member Manny Badillo schools France 24 News

Sibel Edmonds ‘Bombshell’: Osama Bin Laden Worked for US Until 9/11

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Finally Testifies Under Oath

Footage of WTC 7 and North Tower Collapse

Highly-Credible People Question 9/11

70 Reasons To Doubt The Offical Story of 9/11

Career Army officer sues Rumsfeld, Cheney, saying no evacuation order given on 9/11

Firefighters for 9-11 Truth: Summary of Evidence of Controlled Demolition at the World Trade Center

Jesse Ventura on CNN: They Spent 100 Million Dollars Investigating Clinton But Only 4 Million On 9/11!

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: WTC Collapse A Controlled Demolition

Government Insider: Bush Authorized 9/11 Attacks

Loose Change Final Cut

9/11 False Flag

Rumsfeld: Why not another 9/11?

US Military Officers Challenge Official Account of September 11

The Elephant In The Room: Full Movie

The ultimate coincidence:

Matrix (1999): Neo’s Passport expires on September 11, 2001

The financial coup d’état coincidence:

Donald Rumsfeld on CBS NEWS: Pentagon Cannot Account For 2,3 TRILLION Dollars (MUST-SEE!!!)

Rumsfeld said this the day before 9/11. The very next day America was under attack and the $ 2.300.000.000.000 were forgotten.

See also:
Financial Coup d’Etat by Catherine Austin Fitts, Former Assistant Secretary of Housing.

Bush and Blair knew that there were no WMD’s in Iraq:

Traitors …

Tony Blair Summoned Back to Iraq Inquiry to be Quizzed Over New Evidence (Guardian)

Iraq inquiry: UK Government lied, ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat (Telegraph)

Tony Blair Was Warned By All 27 Senior Government Lawyers That Iraq War Was Illegal (Daily Express)

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’ (Times)

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Dutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’ (Guardian)

… and war criminals (GENOCIDE):

Iraq: Fallujah Doctors Report Dramatic Rise In Birth Defects (BBC News)

What Depleted Uranium Does to Children in Iraq: Japanese Journalist

Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons:

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.
“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist. “The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”
“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”

3 thoughts on “Priest banned from using social media sites for six months after posting ‘anti-Semitic’ comments claiming Israel was behind 9/11”

  1. The fastest way to get on a list is by doing what he did. That is the only remaining ally of the US………and they have a vicious dog heading it up.

  2. Once again a specific disproportionately represented minority group with big bribing wallets show how real democracy works……NOT!!!!

    We have a jewish “Lord” who is EXTREMELY influential in the “Friends of israel” lobby group, the UK equivalent of AIPAC, and who has been implicated on several occasions in connections with Paedophilia, but it has been covered up as is normal in the sick society that is the establishment UK.

    However, this individual is now seemingly a victim of dementia and amnesia…..but still allowed if he wants, to practice and make judgements in the House of Lords. Bizarre or what?

    This vicar can see right through the two faced jew propaganda machine and has rightly shown his disgust as the way they control everything and influence opinion. I only hope that by exposing this issue, the jew owned Daily Mail awaken more people to the truth.

    There is a smoke screen being put out by these people that certain tribes of their ilk such as Zionists are not representative of real judaism. But this does not stand up to scrutiny as so called ‘ordinary jews’ worldwide collectively fail to distance themselves openly from israel’s atrocities in Syria & Iran as well as the wanton destruction of Palestine & Gaza, AIPAC’s & FoI’s disproportionate influence in US & UK, and the ‘zionist’ led continuous Orwellian wars for the benefit of the banksters. It doesn’t add up.

    Ironically, the only ones who do show objection to being connected to these issues are real Orthodox honest Jews.


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