No longer science fiction: Aborted human fetuses harvested to grow kidney organs in rats for transplantation into human patients


No longer science fiction: Aborted human fetuses harvested to grow kidney organs in rats for transplantation into human patients (Natural News, Jan 29, 2015):

Human fetal kidneys harvested from aborted babies are being surgically implanted into adult rats to grow new kidneys to be transplanted into awaiting human adults.

This procedure, which is under rapid development, is being framed as a medical breakthrough by scientists who appear to be completely blind to the moral and ethical issues at stake in such a scheme.

“[This] is definitely the first time an actual whole human organ has been grown in an animal, and has sustained the life of that animal,” explains Eugene Gu, the founder and CEO of Ganogen, Inc. in Redwood, Calif. “Our long-term goal is to grow human organs in animals, to end the human donor shortage.” [1] reports, “The research shows that it is feasible to remove a kidney from an aborted human fetus, and implant the organ into a rat, where the kidney can grow to a larger size.”

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