John McCain: Get Ready for U.S. Troops on the Ground in Iraq and Syria




McCain: Get Ready for U.S. Troops on the Ground in Iraq and Syria (Yahoo Finance/The Fiscal Times, Jan 27, 2015):

“In the Middle East, we have got to have boots on the ground,” McCain said over the weekend. “We have got to have training capability. We can’t train young people in Syria and send them back into Syria to be barrel-bombed by Bashar Assad. That is also immoral.”

ISIS is an operation run by the CIA and the Mossad …

McCain and his buddy, ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi:




Baghdadi Mossad Trained

++ Iraq: al Baghdadi appare in immagini in moschea Mossul ++
A welcome distraction: the Islamist dude with the $6.500 James Bond watch.

Related info:

Pentagon Dispatches First Batch Of US Forces To Train Syrian ‘Rebels’ (Al-Nusra = Al-Qaeda & ISIS)

Pentagon To Deploy 400-Plus Troops To Train And Equip Syrian Opposition (= ISIS, Al-Nusra & Al-Qaeda Terrorists)

Syria: 3000 ‘Moderate Rebels’ Defect To ISIS … US Plans To Train 5,000 More …

They Have Butchered Children (Veterans Today)

Israel Acts As ISIS’ Air Force … Repeatedly Bombs Syria

Senior Aide To President Putin: Mossad Training ISIL Terrorists

ISIS, Al-Qaeda Join The M&A Bubble, Agree To Fight ‘Common Foes’ Together In Syria

George Galloway On ISIS (Video )

Israel And Turkey Are Directly Supporting ISIS And Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Syria

The Khorasans: As Fake As the Kardashians

What Iraq Thinks: “It Is Obvious To Everyone That ISIS Is A Creation Of The United States And Israel”

The Fake Beheadings of the Arch-Zionist Crime Syndicate

ISIS EXPOSED 100% AS CIA OPERATION: ‘The Next Osama Bin Laden is Here’ (Video)

Meeting ISIL (Documentary)

ISIL Leader Al-Baghdadi Is Mossad Agent Simon Elliot

The U.S. has armed and trained ISIS:

Veterans Today: CIA And US Military Fight Under Al Qaeda Command In Syria (Video)

U.S. Special Forces Train Syrian Rebels In Jordan (Le Figaro)

Americans Are Training Syria Rebels In Jordan: Spiegel (Reuters)

CIA-Armed And Trained Syrian Rebels ‘On Way To Battlefield’

‘Military Intervention In Syria’, US Training ‘Rebels’ Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan – The March 2012 Leak

Flashback:… all of them coming directly from from our Al-CIAda unit …


Why Was A Sunday Times Report On US Government Ties To Al-Qaeda Chief Spiked? & Gladio B

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Created Al-Qaeda’ — The Protagonists Of The ‘Global War on Terrorism’ Are The Terrorists (Video)


Just one month after this article has been published in the Guardian Robin Cook DIED:

Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist (Documentary)

Retired U.S. General Wesley Clark

… at the Commonwealth Club of California:

U.S. 4 Star General Wesley Clark, Oct 3, 2007: ‘We’re Gonna Attack And Destroy The Governments In 7 Countries In 5 Years’ … ‘Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Iran’ (Video)

… or here in this interview with Democracy Now:

Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)


3 thoughts on “John McCain: Get Ready for U.S. Troops on the Ground in Iraq and Syria”

  1. Those two overfed fucks should be at the front of the line if the US attacks yet another country that has done nothing to deserve it. The US is becoming the most hated nation in the world thanks to creeps like them.


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