The US Military’s Stunning Conspiracy Theory Emerges From The Archives: ‘ISIS Leader Does Not Exist’

The US Military’s Stunning Conspiracy Theory Emerges From The Archives: “ISIS Leader Does Not Exist” (ZeroHedge, Jan 20, 2015):

Having noted that voter angst has been riled, propagandized, and fear-mongered to the point at which the most pressing priority for Congress is to ‘fix’ terrorism, it is perhaps not entirely surprising that we discover – deep down in the archives – that giving the public someone to ‘hate’ as opposed to something may have been an entire fiction. As The New York Times exposed in 2007, Abdullah Rashid al-Baghdadi, the titular head of the Islamic State, according to Brigadier General Kevin Bergner – the chief American military spokesman at the time – never existed (and was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were provided by an elderly actor named Abu Adullah al-Naima).

Via The New York Times (2007),

For more than a year, the leader of one the most notorious insurgent groups in Iraq was said to be a mysterious Iraqi named Abdullah Rashid al-Baghdadi.

As the titular head of the Islamic State in Iraq, an organization publicly backed by Al Qaeda, Baghdadi issued a steady stream of incendiary pronouncements. Despite claims by Iraqi officials that he had been killed in May, Baghdadi appeared to have persevered unscathed.

On Wednesday, a senior American military spokesman provided a new explanation for Baghdadi’s ability to escape attack: He never existed.

Brigadier General Kevin Bergner, the chief American military spokesman, said the elusive Baghdadi was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were provided by an elderly actor named Abu Adullah al-Naima.

The ruse, Bergner said, was devised by Abu Ayub al-Masri, the Egyptian-born leader of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, who was trying to mask the dominant role that foreigners play in that insurgent organization.

The ploy was to invent Baghdadi, a figure whose very name establishes his Iraqi pedigree, install him as the head of a front organization called the Islamic State of Iraq and then arrange for Masri to swear allegiance to him. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s deputy, sought to reinforce the deception by referring to Baghdadi in his video and Internet statements.

The evidence for the American assertions, Bergner announced at a news briefing, was provided by an Iraqi insurgent: Khalid Abdul Fatah Daud Mahmud al-Mashadani, who was said to have been captured by American forces in Mosul on July 4.

According to Bergner, Mashadani is the most senior Iraqi operative in Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. He got his start in the Ansar al-Sunna insurgent group before joining Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia more than two years ago, and became the group’s “media emir” for all of Iraq. Bergner said that Mashadani was also an intermediary between Masri in Iraq and bin Laden and Zawahiri, whom the Americans assert support and guide their Iraqi affiliate.

“Mashadani confirms that al-Masri and the foreign leaders with whom he surrounds himself, not Iraqis, made the operational decisions” for Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, Bergner said.

Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official and a Middle East expert, said that experts had long wondered whether Baghdadi actually existed. “There has been a question mark about this,” he said.

Nonetheless, Riedel suggested that the disclosures made Wednesday might not be the final word on Baghdadi and the leaders of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Even Mashadani’s assertions, Riedel said, might be a cover story to protect a leader who does in fact exist.

“First, they say we have killed him,” Riedel said, referring to the statements by some Iraqi government officials. “Then we heard him after his death and now they are saying he never existed. That suggests that our intelligence on Al Qaeda in Iraq is not what we want it to be.”

American military spokesmen insist they have gotten to the truth on Baghdadi. Mashadani, they say, provided his account because he resented the role of foreign leaders in Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. They say he has not repudiated the organization.

Read more here…

Ironman 3 anyone?

*  *  *

So he was a ghost back then…. is he a ghost again, a propaganda test-tube baby designed purely to put a face on ISIS and the biggest bogeyman of the current global anti-terrorist mania, so necessary to boost global QE in lieu of a world war (for now)?

It’s certainly easier for an average joe to ‘hate’ a demonic leader than an amorphous ‘thing’ called ‘Radical Islam’ – just ask President Obama.

ISIS is an operation run by the CIA and the Mossad …

McCain and his buddy, ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi:




Baghdadi Mossad Trained

++ Iraq: al Baghdadi appare in immagini in moschea Mossul ++
A welcome distraction: the Islamist dude with the $6.500 James Bond watch.

Related info:

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Senior Aide To President Putin: Mossad Training ISIL Terrorists

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George Galloway On ISIS (Video )

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The Khorasans: As Fake As the Kardashians

What Iraq Thinks: “It Is Obvious To Everyone That ISIS Is A Creation Of The United States And Israel”

The Fake Beheadings of the Arch-Zionist Crime Syndicate

ISIS EXPOSED 100% AS CIA OPERATION: ‘The Next Osama Bin Laden is Here’ (Video)

Meeting ISIL (Documentary)

ISIL Leader Al-Baghdadi Is Mossad Agent Simon Elliot

The U.S. has armed and trained ISIS:

Veterans Today: CIA And US Military Fight Under Al Qaeda Command In Syria (Video)

U.S. Special Forces Train Syrian Rebels In Jordan (Le Figaro)

Americans Are Training Syria Rebels In Jordan: Spiegel (Reuters)

CIA-Armed And Trained Syrian Rebels ‘On Way To Battlefield’

‘Military Intervention In Syria’, US Training ‘Rebels’ Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan – The March 2012 Leak

Flashback:… all of them coming directly from from our Al-CIAda unit …


Why Was A Sunday Times Report On US Government Ties To Al-Qaeda Chief Spiked? & Gladio B

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Created Al-Qaeda’ — The Protagonists Of The ‘Global War on Terrorism’ Are The Terrorists (Video)


Just one month after this article has been published in the Guardian Robin Cook DIED:

Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist (Documentary)

Retired U.S. General Wesley Clark

… at the Commonwealth Club of California:

U.S. 4 Star General Wesley Clark, Oct 3, 2007: ‘We’re Gonna Attack And Destroy The Governments In 7 Countries In 5 Years’ … ‘Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Iran’ (Video)

… or here in this interview with Democracy Now:

Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)



1 thought on “The US Military’s Stunning Conspiracy Theory Emerges From The Archives: ‘ISIS Leader Does Not Exist’”

  1. This is no surprise to anyone with half a mind. Nobody ever heard of ISIS a year ago. Adolph Hitler was a name that was in the public mind for two decades, same with Stalin. OBL was the beginning of putting up these names from nowhere, and now, they do it whenever they want to feed their greedy gut cronies more money.

    Now, we are hitting the wall. Money is suddenly beginning to be exposed for what it is………….worthless. One need only look at the beginning results from SNB to realize how weak and sick the US economy has become. All industry is gone, the same with investments and growth.

    Oil is at $46.00……….now that the US is the #1 producer. The lie about the slamming of the door into the face of the Russia when requesting OPEC cut production is just that, another lie. It won’t hurt China or Russia that much because both nations build other things. OPEC members are getting even with the US, the time is right. The social costs of having US troops in Saudi Arabia and other nations where force is needed to keep the kings on their thrones have exceeded the financial. They will soon replace US troops with Russian or Chinese……….both of which have been building strong military since 2005. The US has been pushing for military wars while the rest of the world has waged financial wars in return.

    The US doesn’t seem to get it. Spin all numbers, then get the suckers to believe them. That all works until hunger comes in the door……and all the rest is washed away.


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