TV: New concerns at Fukushima; Radioactive material “spilling into ocean” from layer 80 feet deep, officials suspect — Jiji: Record high radiation levels at 18 locations between reactors and Pacific; Crisis far from under control (VIDEO)

TV: New concerns at Fukushima; Radioactive material “spilling into ocean” from layer 80 feet deep, officials suspect — Jiji: Record high radiation levels at 18 locations between reactors and Pacific; Crisis far from under control (VIDEO) (ENENews, June 25, 2014): 

Jiji Press, June 18, 2014: Radioactive contamination of groundwater at [Fukushima Daiichi] is far from being under control […] the source of contamination remains unclear and new record levels of radioactive substances have been detected in groundwater taken at a number of measuring points on the ocean side of the plant’s No. 1 to No. 4 reactors. Radioactivity levels in groundwater have hit new record highs at 18 of 32 measuring points on the ocean side since April, according to TEPCO. At the most polluted well, located east of the No. 2 reactor [there’s] 860,000 becquerels of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances such as strontium-90.

NHK WORLD, June 25, 2014: [TEPCO] has found that radioactive water can now easily spread in a deep layer of groundwater. It says it will speed up construction work on a barrier aimed at preventing contaminated water from leaking into the ocean. The deep layer of water is about 25 meters [82 feet] below the surface. […] water pressure in the [deep] layer was lower […] this makes it easier for contaminated water to spread [..] They suspect the radioactive water could be spilling into the ocean. TEPCO officials say the ongoing construction of the barrier may be to blame for the lower pressure. The work involves drilling into the deep layer. […] TEPCO officials say they will take more action to keep radioactive water from spreading in the deep layer. This will involve fortifying holes in an underground frozen-soil wall. Those holes go through the layer and are filled with pipes. […]

See also: Japan Nuclear Expert: Fukushima’s fuel could be about 100 ft. underground in 2 years (AUDIO)

And: Expert: Radioactive groundwater “can’t be changed & can’t be stopped”; it will continually enter ocean — Significant ‘discreet leaks’ recently — West Coast “should be alarmed” at lack of testing

Watch the NHK broadcast here

1 thought on “TV: New concerns at Fukushima; Radioactive material “spilling into ocean” from layer 80 feet deep, officials suspect — Jiji: Record high radiation levels at 18 locations between reactors and Pacific; Crisis far from under control (VIDEO)”

  1. It will be our genocide. It will get worse, not better.
    We are doomed, and seem the only species that doesn’t know when we are finished. It is pretty obvious. No quid, no Salmon, no sardines, no shrimp, no crab………what will it take?


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